Each time one occurs, Americans confront their essential condition—not as isolated individuals, but as a community that increasingly binds itself together with electrical wires and signals. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Her most recent work is How Local Politics Shape Federal Policy. How conflicting ideas of nature threaten to fracture America's identity. AppendPDF Pro 5.5 Linux Kernel 2.6 64bit Oct 2 2014 Library 10.1.0 8 0 obj Perhaps this is because we are intimate with devices and machines from an early age—as children, we play with technological toys: trucks, cars, stoves, telephones, model railroads, Playstations. This book includes essays by experts in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, graphic design, industrial design, and the fine arts. Should "the market" choose our technologies? US$15.95, US$19.55 x 229 Burke and Kant : sublime a constant. Free 2-day shipping. David Nye, the author of Electrifying America which I cited a handful of times in the past month or so, is also the author American Technological Sublime (1995), a classic work in the history of technology. Americans have a unique relationship to all levels of technology, one that has also changed over time. 28 0 obj >�(�%��Hߊ����S��H�"������ځ�a�|� ��a��� `����hN�c�̩�8v��&�i�������P3$, Wasting the Future: The Technological Sublime, Communications Technologies, and E-waste. As adults, we retain this technological playfulness with gadgets and appliances—Blackberries, cell phones, GPS navigation systems in our cars. Except that it is not a work of history in the strict disciplinary sense. The atomic bomb, he demonstrates, is not just the engine of American technoscientific modernity; it has produced a new cognitive orientation toward everyday life, provoking cross-cultural experiences of what Masco calls a "nuclear uncanny." To destroy jobs or create new opportunities? <>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> �/9{�=�,wʠ^^ş��x7 ��.�� ��i%�Q�nr��B���kk��Z�sb)��I�B|KvkRm���� %�����C!�~���Iu!F���|"ę0h����;Es]����Q+��0�ģ���ΩJ&T�j@ �֝S��4d����m�J=Y�&4w�Ϙ.iJ�E*8�۬}(����b��&-����{Z��nu� ��X ��F_���~���ª�"O�4�C�������BɿcBQ�9����xL�Σ���y �Ӆ��-8��#Wl�0Kx
��Y�NX American Technological Sublime continues the exploration of the social construction of technology that David Nye began in his award-winning book Electrifying America. US$55.00, US$27.16 Through these case studies Nye demonstrates how Americans have responded to certain technologies, either because of their scale or their dynamism, in a manner that can best be described by the category of the sublime. US$75.00, US$14.65 Technology has long played a central role in the formation of Americans' sense of selfhood. And perhaps more importantly, he argues that this experience of the technological sublime laced throughout American history has acted as a thread stitching together the otherwise diverse and divided elements of American society. In Technology Matters, Nye tackles ten central questions about our relationship to technology, integrating a half-century of ideas about technology into ten cogent and concise chapters, with wide-ranging historical examples from many societies. David Nye selects the Grand Canyon, Niagara Falls, the eruption of Mt. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Known as "Petrolia," the region charged the popular imagination with its nearly overnight transition from agriculture to industry. This emphasis on practice is especially important to Nye’s overall thesis and it is on the practices surrounding the technological sublime that he concentrates his attention.
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