I am also diabetic, so I keep this latte in mind when I am running late in the morning. Head and Neck Cancer Alliance is pleased to offer its Gas Card Program to hundreds of oral, head and neck cancer patients each year. Become a #FillUpFriend today to help us reach our goal of raising a total of $4,000 for this important program! Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. HNCA encourages those using its resources to be careful when evaluating medical information or products. Help us "fill up the tank" so the Alliance can continue to provide assistance to the many patients facing long commutes to treatment as well as the financial challenges that come with a cancer diagnosis. Gas Card Program. Interested in contributing your time or supporting HNCA? Any products and manufacturers included on this site are presented for informational purposes only and do not constitute product approval or endorsement by HNCA. HNCA is proud to support head and neck cancer patients with assistance to/from their cancer treatments. Have a recipe that you think would be great for head and neck cancer patients and survivors? You will receive a receipt via email shortly. Funding from our corporate partners supports HNCA’s programs and educational initiatives, and HNCA maintains independence in its design of programs, content, and initiatives. Be sure to add our email address to your address book or safe senders list so our emails get to your inbox. Early registration of screening and awareness events will begin in November. In this section, you will find a number of resources to help you find the support you need, manage side effects, regain health and wellness, and find inspiration to continue fighting. In order to provide the most. Submitted recipes will be shared on HNCA's website and social media. Need Help? Survivorship For individuals, cancer survivorship can start at diagnosis, while receiving treatment for a short or a prolonged period of time and/or can be defined as an individual who has completed their cancer treatment and shows no signs of cancer. Share it with us through our Recipe Contest! Registration is now open! Our ambassadors are cancer patients, survivors and/or caregivers whose inspirational journeys give true meaning to what happens when you are diagnosed with cancer, during and post-treatment. Because funds for the program are limited and demand is high, HNCA must stop accepting applications at this time. Reserve your seat today! The ball is in your court…get yourself screened! Learn HNCA’s stance on corporate support below. *Sponsor content. Become a #FillUpFriend today to help us reach our goal of raising a total of $4,000 for this important program! NBA Champion, Tongue Cancer Survivor and 2018 OHANCAW® Spokesperson, AHNS – Patient Education on Post-Treatment Care, A Survivor’s Experience as an Imerman Angels Mentor, A Cancer Researcher’s Thoughts on HPV Vaccination, Head & Neck Cancer Alliance Stands with American Cancer Society Against Racism, Ask the Expert with Dr. Terry Day: June 2 – 4, COVID-19 Head and Neck Cancer Discussion Group Concerns. When tobacco usage is combined with alcohol consumption, the risk of developing head and neck cancer increases by 15-18 times more than individuals who don’t smoke.. The Head and Neck Cancer Alliance Gas Card Program provides gasoline gift cards to patients to help them get to and from their life-saving treatment. We have a very generous supporter who wishes to match up to $2,000 in donations for our Gas Card Program. HNCA Ambassadors are dedicated to educating the community-at-large about these cancers. In 2019, HNCA provided nearly 900 patients with gas gift cards totaling $45,000, the largest amount ever. Ken noticed a lump on his neck one day when he was shaving and from his previous experience as a cancer survivor, he knew that he needed to get it checked right away. Please know that the HNCA Gas Card Program, offered to head and neck cancer patients who are currently in treatment, is a one-time only $50 gas card grant to assist patients with transportation costs. Donate today! In 2019, HNCA provided nearly 900 patients with gas gift cards totaling $45,000, the largest amount ever. Read how having a positive attitude helped him in having a successful recovery. The dynamic HNCA Board of Directors has been busy educating and advocating for head and neck cancer patients around the world. Please do not submit patient applications as we are not able to maintain a wait list. Since then, I have had a terrible time with eating. It is important to remember that each individual is different, and the reasons for—and outcomes of—any treatment plan depends on the patient's individual condition. Can you help us reach our goal? You could even win a Vitamix blender! If you are unsure about your medical condition, consult a physician. Email us at Contact Email or call Cell Phone. If you have questions or concerns after reading any information on this website or in our materials, you should discuss them openly and honestly with your physician. View it in your web browser, and Support Head and Neck Cancer Patients, Thank You to our Corporate and Community Partners. This inaugural program will bring together survivors and caregivers for a day of education and connections. You have the power to raise awareness, encourage prevention, promote screening and early detection, and advocate for access to care. HNCA is pleased to announce that our 2020 Oral, Head and Neck Cancer Awareness Week (OHANCAW®) is scheduled for April 13-19, 2020. *Statement on Sponsor Content and Corporate Support: The information published on this website and in our materials is intended to educate you about Oral, Head and Neck Cancer.

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