Miek located one of the last Queens of his race, at an egg farm at which the Warbound were hiding. It does, however, leave room to be playful in other areas, as Feige noted: “That being said, the "Team Thor" short that Taika did with Darryl and Thor were great fun, and are quite doable, and in some parts helped redefine Thor into what he's become in "Ragnarok" in a fun way. “Yes, it all depends on whether they can meet Taika Waititi, the actor, exorbitant fees because Korg is now established in this film and if you want Korg you have to… cash up,” he joked. Datenschutzerklärung In the film, Korg is paired at times with his friend, Miek, an insectoid alien. [volume & issue needed], Miek made a full recovery as he remained locked away in Prison 42 and stayed there until Amatsu-Mikaboshi became the Chaos King and attacked all of reality. [volume & issue needed], Miek, with an army of other former prisoners, attacked Amadeus Cho and Galactus as they attempted to complete a gateway to a pocket universe to save creation. [7], As a Sakaaran Native, Miek hatched from an egg in a grub-like larval stage and eventually entered a cocoon-like pupae stage after several months. [4], Miek found that as a result of his exposure to the Chaos King's energies, he had become biologically female. When the Hulk's rage burned off the mind control, Miek tried to convince the Warbound to help them keep her hatchlings alive. Soll recht bekannt sein, Typ, und ein gutes, weiches Herz unter seinem Gestein haben. Miek appears in Thor: Ragnarok and Avengers: Endgame as a larva-like creature instead of a humanoid roach. She later witnessed Thor's duel with the Grandmaster's greatest champion, Hulk, joining in chat supporting Thor. Story lieben, Schwarze Superhelden: "Justice League"-Studio bringt Comic-Erfolg "Black" in die Kinos. “The actor version doesn’t work without the director version.”. Enraged, the Hulk and No-Name nearly killed Miek. “When and where we'll have to wait and see, but we, like the audience now that they've seen them, can't get enough.”. [8], As a gladiator on Sakaar, he developed six-limbed fighting skills, often wielding four weapons at a time to keep his opponents off-balance. Korg: Thor, he's back.That kid on the TV just called me a d*ckhead again. Get your swag on with discounted movies to stream at home, exclusive movie gear, access to advanced screenings and discounts galore. Jake Gyllenhaal und Oscar Isaac als Macher von "Der Pate": Hauptrollen im Film über Film-Meisterwerk besetzt, The Mortuary - Jeder Tod hat eine Geschichte. The Warbound then aided him in securing his revenge. Miek attempted to drug Skaar, to make him kill his father, only to have another of her arms chopped off by Hulk, who then punched Miek through a volcano and across the Savage Land into a mountain of ice. 2 #92 during the "Planet Hulk" storyline and was created by Greg Pak and Carlo Pagulayan. He was accidentally rescued, as an outcast slave, during Hulk's battle with the Red King. RELATED: Marvel Has MCU Plans For Thor 3's Korg & Miek. [9], In the 4th issue of Marvel Zombies Return, when Hulk and the Warbound land on the moon they are met by zombiefied versions of Giant Man and the Immortals. Über uns | Taika Waititi steht bei „Thor 3: Ragnarok“ nicht nur hinter, sondern auch vor der Kamera: Er wird als massiger Außerirdischer Korg zu sehen sein. Hulk chased after and tried to save Miek, but Miek would not let him, and fell presumably to her death. [5], Miek had attempted to supplant her hatchlings into the bodies of Sakaarians, to keep them fed and safe, but that had not worked. Soon after, the Warbound escaped with Miek secretly leading them to the place where his father was killed. “The truth is we're a studio that has just recently gone from producing two movies a year to three movies a year, and we're very comfortable now with the arrangement we have making three movies a year,” he said. von Rack up 500 points and you'll score a $5 reward for more movies. “We were talking about doing a little spin-off,” he said. [10], https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Miek&oldid=974022795, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 August 2020, at 17:02. For Taika Waititi, things become ever the more interesting now that he not only directed a successful Marvel movie, but also starred as one of its more beloved characters. when you purchase 3 participating Suave products 9/1-10/31 at Walmart or Walmart.com. Jobs | Skaar then tackled Hulk, smashing his head into the ground, and calling him a "stupid monster". “We have plans for Korg and Miek,” Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige told Fandango during a recent interview. Miek and Brood, who have formed a connection due to their insect nature, freed Miek's brothers and added the Warbound to their Hive. Noobmaster, hey, it's Thor again. Miek did not tell the Hulk hoping it would encourage the Hulk to keep destroying. Miek and Korg would meet Thor when he was captured by the Sakaaran guards, and Miek greeted him by showing off her exoskeleton's blades. Korg: Yeah, NoobMaster69 called me a d*ckhead. Miek appears in Thor: Ragnarok. Miek is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Mortuary - Jeder Tod hat eine Geschichte Trailer DF, Nach "Kissing Booth" kommt "Uglies": So anders wird der neue Netflix-Film mit Joey King, "Firestarter": Zac Efron in Verfilmung des Klassikers von Horror-Papst Stephen King. This allowed her to lay clutches of eggs, but the hatchlings could not survive long after birthing. , things become ever the more interesting now that he not only directed a successful Marvel movie, but also starred as one of its more beloved characters. Miek was a member of planet Sakaar's native race of insectoids. When Thor's adopted brother, Loki, visited him in the gladiator's quarters, Miek joined Korg in trying to get rid of Loki. Marvel-Schock: Jamie Foxx kehrt als Electro zurück – in "Spider-Man 3" mit Tom Holland!

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