Sibyl is a mythological figure who asked Apollo “for as many years of life as there are grains in a handful of sand” (North, 3). Next The narrator sees a man he recognizes named The poem proper begins with a description of the seasons. Unfortunately, she did not think to ask for everlasting youth. A summary and full analysis line by line of T.S. Study Guides Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis of “The Waste Land” Before Line 1, Lines 1-7 FOR EZRA POUND IL MIGLIOR FABBRO I. The Waste Land It's not the cheeriest of starts, and it gets even drearier from there. The Hofgarten memory precipitates a flurry of German: “Bin gar keine Russin, stamm’ aus Litauen, echt deutsch.” Translated, this line reads roughly as: “I’m not Russian at all; I come from Lithuania, a true German.” It is not clear who the speaker is, but whatever the case the line is nonsensical; three distinct regions of Europe are mentioned, though Lithuania arguably has far more to do with Russia than with Germany. Eliot's The Waste Land, one of the most influential modern poems. The poem's speaker talks about how spring is an awful time of year, stirring up memories of bygone days and unfulfilled desires. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Waste Land.From here Eliot switches abruptly to a more prosaic mode, introducing View Wikipedia Entries for The Waste Land…Finally, Sosostris encounters a blank card representing something the one-eyed merchant is carrying on his back – something she is apparently “forbidden to see.” She is likewise unable to find the Hanged Man among the cards she displays; from this she concludes that the narrator should “fear death by water.” Sosostris also sees a vision of a mass of people “walking round in a ring.” Her meeting with the narrator concludes with a hasty bit of business: she asks him to tell Mrs. Equitone, if he sees her, that Sosostris will bring the horoscope herself.Section IV: “Death by Water” and “What the Thunder Said”Some critics has interpreted the waste land as a treatise on modern civilization while others have argued that it is far more personal an attempt on eliot's part to grapple with his failing marriage. – mon semblable, – mon frère!”: “Hypocrite reader! The Waste Land, long poem by T.S. Water, giver of life, becomes a token of death: the narrator is none other than the drowned Phoenician Sailor, and he must “fear death by water.” This realization paves the way for the famous London Bridge image. As a result, she is doomed to decay for years and years, and preserves herself within a jar. "A Room of One's Own", "Wasteland" and "J. Alfred Prufrock": The Affairs of Society; Dry, Allusive, and Ambiguous: A Close Reading of "The Wasteland" Inaction is equated with waste. Ignorance is bliss; the knowledge that better things are possible is perhaps the most painful thing of all. The key image in "The Waste Land" may then be Sosostris’s vision of “crowds of people, walking round in a ring.” They walk and walk, but go nowhere. Biographical interpretation is a slippery slope, but it should nonetheless be noted that Eliot was, at the time of the poem’s composition, suffering from acute nervous ailments, chief among them severe anxiety. An attempt to examine, line by line, the specific meaning of every reference and allusion in The Waste Land would certainly go beyond the intended scope of this entry. Each member of the crowd keeps his eyes on his feet; the mass of men flow up a hill and down King William Street, in the financial district of London, winding up beside the Church of Saint Mary Woolnoth. Poetry – my likeness, – my brother!” We are all Stetson; Eliot is speaking directly to us. hypocrite lecteur! That very vision, however, causes Eliot’s eyes to fail, his speech to forsake him; love renders him impotent, and he is left “neither living nor dead” – much like the aforementioned residents of Limbo. Not affiliated with Harvard College.The second stanza returns to the tone of the opening lines, describing a land of “stony rubbish” – arid, sterile, devoid of life, quite simply the “waste land” of the poem’s title. The line ‘Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song’ is from Spenser’s Prothalamion, and it references a marriage song. April emerges as the “cruellest” month, passing over a desolate land to which winter is far kinder. What follows is a short analysis of this opening section, with the most curious and interesting aspects of Eliot’s poem highlighted. The former is desperately searching for some sign of life -– “roots that clutch,” branches that grow -- but all he can find are dry stones, dead trees, and “a heap of broken images.” We have here a forsaken plane that offers no relief from the beating sun, and no trace of water.Modernist Experimentation in The Waste LandThe narrator is constantly in flux in The Waste Land. The Waste Land Summary The Burial of the Dead. Eliot’s vision of modern life is therefore rooted in a conception of the lost ideal. Waste Land e-text contains the full text of The Waste Land.Copyright © 1999 - 2020 GradeSaver LLC. The sentence itself depends on a non sequitur, anticipating by almost a century Europe’s current crisis of identity, with individual nations slowly losing ground to a collective union. In Spenser, water represents a joyous occasion, which is at odds with its usage in … Eliot twice quotes Dante in describing this phantasmagoric scene: “I had not thought death had undone so many” (from Canto 3 of the The historical considerations will only go so far. The ambiguity of love, the potential of that emotion to cause both great joy and great sorrow, informs the passage involving the hyacinth girl – another failed memory, as it were.

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