Neither were queens (transgender folks). I pray that we do not. Than again " . I have a sneaking suspicion that Palladium had come to this decision LONG ago, judging by his rhetoric, and that he was merely looking for something to reinforce this, so he could make his grand pronouncement. Please keep up the great work you do, and please continue to keep these discussions going, so we can all think/feel/share and learn. Just a week ago, I was invited to join a meeting of gender and sexuality scholars. I was called sissy before I was called fag, and as a result, the closet experience for me included binding and gagging my sissy self, beating the shit of the sissy part of me much like those boys on the playground long ago. 4. What Ron wrote is packaged in an old school way, not a Queer hip way, but the content is much the same. This isn't over yet and I fully expect that while Mr. Gold will not make a personal appearance on the show, I am sure that there will be any number of gay men calling in about those whinning Trans folks who are such a problem to deal with. I immediately called him and told him that I object to giving Mr. Gold any airtime on his show and would consider it an insult to myself to let his kind of non-thinking comments be given any air time at all. It is based in heterosexism and heteronormativity masked as "radical" critique. Are you going to cut it off?! Thanks for your comment, Diane. This type of GL vs. T transphobic response is not seen in many other nations, and it is variable within regions of the US itself. the same is true, I think, for general use of the terms bisexual and lesbian. What if I said I was 6'2", one asked. It just makes them defensive. Repeated violations of the policy will result in revocation of your user account. The Bilerico Project | Daily experiments in LGBTQ, Get the LGBTQ Nation Daily Digest by Email, MUST WATCH: John Oliver's Segment on Trans Rights, Powerful Hallmark Mother's Day Ad Features Trans Man, Kim Kardashian Speaks About Bruce Jenner's Transition, Trans Man Leads Vote in 'Men's Health' Cover Contest,, AZ Pizzeria to Legislators: Discrimination Goes Both Ways |, Gay Country Singer: Gay Men Are Sad, Predatory Drunks? Please, please do not leave Bilerico now. The deep offensiveness of Mr. Gold's choice of language notwithstanding, I hope that may continue. I just wanted to make a comment on language. A Dialogue with Ron Gold - Part II Every lesbian organization of any significant size has had to deal with such women. As a trans-woman myself, I suppose your one-size-fits-all suggestion has many applications. Try to relax, Palladium. He wants T out of G BLT so that ENDA might pass easier. Yay! I would concur with Hannah's keen observation about inter-communal "bullying" among the many diverse factions that choose to rally behind the catch-all term "transgender". You don't need it. I wonder if she would have done that if he had previously "proven" negative conclusions about gay people? For gay men –the rejection of women's bodies, identities, or sexualities; which most often looks like or is expressed through old-school misogyny (hatred of both women and disgust at women's bodies). Thanks for your writing, Jill. 'Effeminate' has a strong negative connotation. But please, by all means, continue prioritizing infected gay men over infected trans women. Sadly, I've yet to hear Rachel Maddow take on even a single truly trans-relevant story on her show without presenting it as if it were solely about gays and lesbians. The other would have be ME... in MY mind, ALL the time. Daughters of Club Bilitis est un téléfilm sud-coréen réalisé par Han Joon-Seo, sorti en 2011. The Video Project began in 1987 and was sponsored by the Lesbian Herstory Educational Foundation Inc. I would like to thank you Dr. Weiss for your excellent post, and to those who commented as well. As a person who "passes" as straight frequently, I see first hand how patriarchy oppresses gay men by stripping them of their claim to their TRUE Gender Identity and Expression as Men and/or Masculine/Butch. Ok, they ought not paint the Gay male community with such a broad brush. Who knows. In Susan Stryker's excellent 2008 article in The Radical History Review on transgender history, she notes that this term was first used to denote "the double sense of marginalization and displacement experienced within transgender political and cultural activism." In general, I think the scientific study of both homosexuality and transsexuality is in its infancy. Just a week ago, I was invited to join a meeting of gender and sexuality scholars. I would much rather have a bigot be direct about what they are thinking than offer their quaint little smiles and keep quiet. Your description of the history of LGBT relations is terrific--concise yet fairly comprehensive. His greatest work is actually in metastudies, and reasonably direct analysis of extant work in the field -- and he's not above using his status to access preliminary studies and do further work on them on the side. Here are just a few scenarios to exemplify my intent of the preceding paragraph: 1. By arguing that those born male must retain identification with maleness, even if not with masculinity, his critique lags well behind the radical curve, and begins to merge with the opinions of conservative traditionalists. Well, one of the aspects to keep in mind is that his work in the field goes beyond merely his specific studies into neuroanatomy. Not now. So now you say you don't even want to work next to us and am going to actively fight against us? It was perceived that gender ambiguity (echoing the Greek disdain for passivity) that channeled the stigma of illegitimacy.

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