That is—what do...Miles Coverdale, a young man, is returning home from an exhibition by the Veiled Lady, a well-known mesmerist of the day, where he had been inquiring of her concerning the success of the Blithedale...You'll also get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and 300,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts.The next day, Coverdale had journeyed to Blithedale. Wild, startlingly gorgeous, imperious, tempestuous in spirit, and theatrical, Zenobia (not her real name) is the half-sister of Priscilla and the possible lover of Hollingsworth. This calls attention, once again, to what an unreliable narrator he is. Throughout great works of literature, an underlying message helps to give depth to the story and allow the reader to take away a moral lesson from the story. Instead of defending her opinion, and speaking up as she claims all women should be able to do, she submissively listens to Hollingsworth. Once Coverdale seeks him out, though, he reveals his true identity as Fauntleroy, a once-wealthy man with a checkered past. Therefore, based on the central tension, ambiguity, and irony in the text, a New Critical reading would identify the ultimate, universal meaning of the text as a statement that feminism is negative and only creates tragedy and unfortunate consequences.Moreover, it is difficult to see Zenobia, the most progressive character, as a true feminist icon in the novel, because she is not as steadfast in her views as she says she is. She is committed to Blithedale, but her unrequited love for Hollingsworth leads her to despair and eventually suicide. However, because Zenobia is the only feminist character, and the rest of the characters are particularly sexist, her inconsistent upholding of feminist beliefs renders it difficult to conclude that The Blithedale Romance’s meaning is a feminist one. New Critical theory suggests that ambiguity and irony are key in determining the text’s meaning; thus, through close readings of several key scenes, New Critical analysis would analyze Zenobia’s ambiguity and irony of character to create meaning. She is always preaching her view of the woman's role in society. Throughout the honest and unfiltered autobiography, we are […]D. H. Lawrence’s novel Sons and Lovers depicts the unhappy marriage between Walter and Gertrude Morel, and their four children. On the other, he has a certain fear of... It takes place on the Eve of St. Agnes, […]Layers of Significance in Susan Glaspell’s “Trifles” Susan Glaspell’s decision to change the title from “Trifles” to “A Jury of Her Peers” when converting it from stage play to short […]The Autobiography of Malcolm: The Story Behind the ManThe idea that childbirth can test a woman and perhaps lead to self-awareness serves as a major theme for Buchi Emecheta’s Nigerian novel The Joys of Motherhood, in which a […] It was an exotic of rare beauty, and as fresh as if the hothouse gardener had just clipt it from the stem. On the contrary, based on all of the aforementioned textual evidence, it would be perhaps more prudent to assume that Zenobia’s feminism exists in the text solely as an opportunity for the male characters and the plot to prove that it is negative and deserving of punishment. She is identified by an exotic flower in her hair. They worship their ideal and fail to recognize when their initial benevolence transforms into egoism. Meanwhile, Coverdale seems to think that feminism is unnecessary, and Hollingsworth believes that feminism is entirely wrong and dangerous. Coverdale is essentially an observer of life. Coverdale muses on the paradoxical views that he has about Hollingsworth. Due to its highly complicated and confusing plot, as well as its somewhat unreliable narrative, it is difficult–and some theorists would say impossible–to determine its final, definitive meaning. For the affluent utopians (Coverdale and Zenobia), city life is soft and artificial, full of comforts, glitter, and social conventions that mask true feelings. Its setting is a utopian farming commune based on Brook Farm, of which Hawthorne was a founding member and where he lived in 1841. She is a woman who feels and speaks very … Thus, due to the text’s clear central tension, the vast amount of ambiguity, and considerable irony, a New Critical reading is extremely useful in determining the theme of The Blithedale Romance. The Blithedale Romance Quotes and Analysis Her hair, which was dark, glossy, and of singular abundance, was put up rather soberly and primly—without curls, or other ornament, except a single flower.

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