Operations are done in parallel and asynchronously. Increase the efficiency of your mission-critical apps with Azure services, containers, serverless and microservices architecture. Read more. Illustrations de documents sur le cloud Microsoft pour les architectes dâentreprise, Microsoft cloud for enterprise architects illustrations. Nos articles sur les bonnes pratiques couvrent différentes considérations en matière de conception, notamment la conception dâAPI, la mise à lâéchelle automatique, le partitionnement des données, la mise en cache, etc.Our best practices articles cover various design considerations including API design, autoscaling, data partitioning, caching, and so forth. For each step, there is supporting guidance that will help you with the design of your application architecture. Microsoft cloud for enterprise architects illustrations. consequences for the design of an appropriate software architecture, there is now ample proof that scaling out the commodity of cloud services is more cost-effective than scaling up through expensive hardware. What IT architects need to know about security in Microsoft cloud services and platforms. Quel type dâarchitecture concevez-vous ? Les choix technologiques suivants sont essentiels : The following technology choices are critical: Vous devrez probablement faire des choix technologiques supplémentaires en cours de route, mais ces trois éléments (calcul, données et messagerie) sont centraux à la plupart des applications cloud et déterminent de nombreux aspects de votre conception. What IT architects need to know about hybrid cloud for Microsoft services and platforms. These topics provide starting-point guidance for planning. Le cloud change la façon dont les applications sont conçues. The Microsoft Cybersecurity Reference Architecture (https://aka.ms/MCRA) describes Microsoft’s cybersecurity capabilities and how they integrate with … 7. Nous avons identifié plusieurs styles dâarchitecture distincts. Le cloud change la façon dont les applications sont conçues.The cloud is changing how applications are designed. These cloud architecture posters give you information about Microsoft cloud services, including Microsoft 365, Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft Intune, Microsoft Dynamics 365, and hybrid on-premises and cloud solutions. Le premier point de décision est le plus fondamental. Styles dâarchitectureArchitecture styles, Envoyer et afficher des commentaires pour, Guide de lâarchitecture des applications Azure. Add-on Azure management services (Azure Monitor, etc.) Chaque architecture de référence comprend les pratiques recommandées ainsi que des considérations pour la scalabilité, la disponibilité, la sécurité, la résilience et dâautres aspects de la conception.Each reference architecture includes recommended practices, along with considerations for scalability, availability, security, resilience, and other aspects of the design. Les opérations sont effectuées en parallèle et de façon asynchrone.Operations are done in parallel and asynchronously. 5. Identify hazardous situations before they happen by providing alerts to equipment operators. Provide product SKUs, prices and other necessary data for pick-and-go retail checkout scenarios. Conception pour une scalabilité prévisible, Conception pour éviter les échecs (MTBF), Conception pour une mise à lâéchelle élastique, Persistance polyglotte (combinaison de technologies de stockage), Polyglot persistence (mix of storage technologies). Cela peut être une architecture de microservices, une application multiniveau plus classique ou une solution Big Data. Aggregate essential data within each device and help safeguard patients from equipment malfunctions by minimising data delays. Only Microsoft checked all the boxes. Get rapid insights with an Azure managed appliance using compute and hardware-accelerated machine learning at edge locations for your Internet of Things (IoT) and AI workloads. Chaque application est différente, mais les ressources suivantes pourront vous aider tout au long du chemin : Every application is different, but the following resources can help you along the way: Chaque architecture de référence comprend les pratiques recommandées ainsi que des considérations pour la scalabilité, la disponibilité, la sécurité, la résilience et dâautres aspects de la conception. What IT architects need to know about security in Microsoft cloud services and platforms. Provide practical, predictive and efficient services for citizens by enhancing your on-premises app and database performance. This series of topics illustrates several architecture approaches for mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, and other scenarios that might lead you to migrate to a new cloud tenant. ; 2 Leverage data in Azure Blob Storage to perform scalable analytics with Azure Databricks and achieve cleansed and transformed data. Ce guide présente une approche structurée pour concevoir des applications sur Azure qui sont évolutives, robustes et hautement disponibles.This guide presents a structured approach for designing applications on Azure that are scalable, resilient, and highly available. Reduce maintenance costs and overhead by anticipating vehicle issues and fixing them quickly with machine learning and IoT solutions at the edge. À la place de monolithes, les applications sont décomposées en services plus petits et décentralisés.Instead of monoliths, applications are decomposed into smaller, decentralized services. Streamline compliance with industry, government and company regulations by running cloud apps on-premises—and help keep your data, apps and identities secure. While the Microsoft Azure Cloud and Enterprise Symbol set can be downloaded here, I also use this “Amazing Icon Downloader” Chrome Extension to gather svg files of the latest symbols from the Azure Portal. Scaled management of hundreds of customer tenants from a single environment—yours. ", "We clearly needed a hybrid solution, but we wanted to use the same tool set, administration, and training for both platforms. Ces principes de conception sâappliquent à tous les styles dâarchitecture. Azure Architecture Center.
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