Making the journey from Dublin to the Cliffs of Moher can be quite the challenge without shelling out the cash to rent a car. We are delighted you enjoyed your time with us and our great location close to Heuston Station. If you would be happy to elaborate on some of your comments we would be pleased to hear from you at We are always grateful to hear visitor comments so we can consider them in our continuous development of the visitor offer at IMMA. Click here to learn more or control your settings. Military Road This site uses cookies to improve your experience, to enhance site security and to show you personalised advertising. We are delighted you enjoyed your time with us, especially our Derek Jarman exhibition, and our great location close to Heuston Station. Admission is free, except for certain special exhibitions. Café itsa@imma: maze reminds the viewer of some old dada wisdom -- any work of art that can be completely understood is the product of a journalist. !’, Hello len_green50. Il Museo ha aperto le porte nel 1990 e al suo interno troviamo un’esposizione permanente formata da 1.650 opere d’arte, sia di artisti irlandesi che estere. Hello YorksUKYorksUK. Irish Museum of Modern Art; Free Irish Museum of Modern Art Essays and Papers. Il Museum of Modern Art (conosciuto anche con l'acronimo MoMA) si trova a Midtown Manhattan, New York, sulla 53ª strada, tra la Quinta e la Sesta Avenue.Ha avuto una straordinaria importanza per lo sviluppo dell'arte moderna ed è stato spesso considerato il principale museo moderno del mondo. We hope you have the opportunity to visit us again this next time you are in Dublin. Minutes walk from train station. Tuesday – Saturday: 10.00am – 5.30pm except Wednesday: 10.30am – 5.30pm Closed on Mondays, Good Friday, 24 – 26 December Open Sunday and Bank Holidays: 12noon – 5.30pm L’edificio è stato ristrutturato nel 1984 ed è la sede del Museo fin dall’apertura. This guided tour makes it easy to affordably travel to the cliffs, as well as other hot spots in Country Clare, including Doolin, Burren National Park, and Galway. Thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback. We hope you have the opportunity to visit us again soon. We are sorry to hear the experience here wasn’t for you. Irish Museum of Modern Art aka IMMA, is Ireland's museum of contemporary or modern art situated in former home of AOP soldiers beside Connolly railway station . The special exhibition currently on displ, Royal Hospital Military Road, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 Ireland. For more information on opening hours or for any other inquiries, please contact: Irish Museum of Modern Art In 2016 the Irish Museum of Modern Art (Imma) transformed the stand-alone building on its grounds into the Freud Centre, so it could be the base for … Sunday and Bank Holidays : 12noon – 5.00pm, Royal Kilmainham Bookshop: Monday : Closed. Patrice, A grande building and beautiful grounds but lacking any real cohesion as a contemporary art gallery in my view. Oltre a questa, il museo propone diverse mostre durante l’anno. Do il mio consenso affinché un cookie salvi i miei dati (nome, email, sito web) per il prossimo commento. Please note: On Sunday 10 July, due to the National Day of Commemoration, the Museum will not open until 2.30pm. If you book with Tripadvisor, you can cancel up to 24 hours before your tour starts for a full refund. If you would be happy to elaborate on some of your comments we would be pleased to hear from you at We are always grateful to hear visitor comments so we can consider them in our continuous development of the visitor offer at IMMA. Patrice, visiting with my fellow university students and lecturer. Il Museo d’Arte Moderna si trova nell’antico Ospedale Reale di Kilmainham, del XVII secolo. Ireland Restaurants near Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA): Things to do near Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), Is this a must-do if you are travelling with a, Is this attraction a good place to visit on a, Is this a romantic place or activity that you would suggest for, IMMA is an excellent museum, devoted to modern (and contemporary) art, both Irish and from around the world. Tuesday – Saturday : 11.00am – 5.30pm Patrice. Arguably the gem of their collection, the Freuds, are annexed off outside the main building leaving the main rambling building to host a shambles of a mish mash of, ‘other stuff’ in a kind of organised randomness where Inspector Clouseau might be the only one to make any sense of the curatorial programme - some of the exhibitions required you to have a ticket even though it was free entry!
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