Scipio's mysterious death in 129 BC, at the age of 56, was blamed by some on his wife, and by others on his political rivals. Rather than arranging his forces in the traditional manipular lines, which put the hastati, principes, and triarii in succeeding lines parallel to the enemy's line, Scipio instead put the maniples in lines perpendicular to the enemy, a stratagem designed to counter the war elephants. The younger daughter was more famous in history; Cornelia Africana Minor, the young wife of the elderly Tiberius Gracchus Major or Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus, tribune of the plebs, praetor, then consul 177 (then censor and consul again), became the mother of 12 children, the only surviving sons being the famous Tiberius Gracchus and Gaius Gracchus. Despite this resistance, Scipio gathered resources from clients and supporters in Rome and among the Italian communities; this allowed him to muster a volunteer force of 30 warships and 7000 men.[13]. Some of the Roman Senate, championed by Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus Cunctator ("the Delayer"), opposed the mission. These consulships in the family, across the reigns of Severus Alexander and Maximinus Thrax, suggest that the family was influential and in high favour. Centurion: Defender of Rome. They ultimately dethroned Syphax, and ensured Prince Masinissa's coronation as King of the Numidians. His interest in a Graecophile lifestyle had tremendous influence on the Roman elite; more than a century later, even the conservative Cato Uticensis (great-grandson of the elder Cato) espoused Greek philosophy. [18], To his political opponents, he was often harsh and arrogant, but towards others singularly gracious and sympathetic. [3], It was during his tenure as proconsul of Africa that Africanus struck some coins that bore his own image. [7], Scipio offered himself as a candidate for aedilis curulis in 213 BC alongside his cousin Marcus Cornelius Cethegus. Having served with these men at Cannae, Scipio was well aware that their disgrace was through no fault of their own. Scipio Africanus's eldest grandson Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio became consul in 138, murdered his own cousin Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (163–132 BC) in 132. Historians are roughly equal in their praise and condemnation for this act. Despite a Roman victory, Scipio was unable to hinder the Carthaginian march to Italy. In addition, a large portion of Rome's cavalry were allies of questionable loyalty, or noble equites exempting themselves from being lowly foot soldiers. The elder Scipio was a spiritual man as well as a soldier and statesman, and was a priest of Mars. He was the son of Pupienus, later Emperor, and wife Sextia Cethegilla. moderation] of Scipio' was a stock motif in exemplary literature and art,[30] as was the 'Dream of Scipio', portraying his allegorical choice between Virtue and Luxury. This may have been because Hannibal, in the service of Antiochus III of Syria, might have come to Carthage to gather support for a new attack on Italy. Scipio intended to go to Africa, but due to the envy of others in the Senate, he was not given any additional troops beyond the Sicilian garrison. He returned the woman to her fiancé, along with the money that had been offered by her parents to ransom her. 'The Continence [i.e. In the year of Scipio's arrival (211 BC),[11] all of Hispania south of the Ebro river was under Carthaginian control. Marcus Pupienus Africanus Maximus (c. 200 – aft. They had at least one surviving son (of whom more below). He also appears in the Haemimont Games video game Imperivm III: The Great Battles of Rome. This humanitarian act encouraged local chieftains to both supply and reinforce Scipio's small army. Archaeology has not yet determined the resting place of Scipio Africanus. Charging the rear of Hannibal's army, they caused what many historians have called the "Roman Cannae". Skillful alike in strategy and in tactics, he had also the faculty of inspiring his soldiers with confidence. Scipio was a member of the Salii, the college of priests of Mars. For his self-restraint in putting the good of the republic ahead of his own gain, Scipio was praised by Livy for showing uncommon greatness of mind—an example conspicuously not emulated by Marius, Sulla or Caesar.[18]. At the same time, Hannibal Barca and his army were recalled to Carthage, and despite the moderate terms offered to Carthage by Scipio, Carthage suddenly suspended negotiations and again prepared for war. Scipio supported land distribution for his veterans in a tradition harking back to the earliest days of the Republic, yet his actions were seen as somewhat radical by conservatives. The Sicilians were quite opposed to this servitude to a foreign occupier (Sicily being under Roman control only since the First Punic War), and protested vigorously. His elder brother was Paullus Fabius Maximus (consul 11 BCE) and his sister was Fabia Paullina, who married Marcus Titius. Scipio's political enemies, led by Marcus Porcius Cato the Elder, gained ground. 'In that case,' replied Hannibal, 'I should say that I surpassed Alexander and Pyrrhus, and all other commanders in the world.' Marcus Pupienus Africanus Maximus, consul ordinarius in 236 as the colleague of the Emperor Maximinus Thrax, has been identified as his youngest son. He became consul (abdicating or resigning in 162 BC for religious reasons, then being re-elected in 155 BC), censor in 159 BC, Princeps Senatus, and died as Pontifex Maximus in 141 BC. In addition to supplying the Numidian cavalry (on which see the Battle of Cannae), Numidia operated as a buffer for vulnerable Carthage. Hannibal's brother Hasdrubal had meanwhile marched for Italy, and in 206 BC Scipio himself, having secured the Roman occupation of Hispania by the capture of Gades, gave up his command and returned to Rome.

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