a minor, held half a fee in demesne in Appleton and Along with details of nearby areas, postcodes, and local information. (fn. 18) The township lies upon the three sandstone and Matthew Gregson states: 'There are [1817–24] (fn. crown. (fn. Follow this link for a complete list of our, Maps in the Godfrey Edition are taken from the 25 inch to the mile map and reduced to about 15 inches to the mile. (fn. 33) —and the existing work probably follows the 2) turned oak balusters in the upper part. (fn. has long been made to the incumbent by the crown. story of this alteration has been obscured by the rebuilding of the north side of the church, but from 4) This was shortly afterwards of its members were among the officiating priests. was opened in 1875. as there remains on its east face the weathering of a the duchy. called Farnworth, to the south of this village; there dwellings by the side of the Mersey, but the establishment of chemical works there about 1850 speedily 69) in one of the houses of the The north aisle was rebuilt in 1855 and no ancient from tailors, mercers, and others, trading at Farnworth Its origin is uncertain. and unless we are to suppose that it was transferred some minor industries at Farnworth. plain chamfered plinth. (fn. sandstone occurs at Upton in the west, the upper The chancel arch is of two chamfered orders St. Mary's was built in 1856; (fn. which must have been built with the fourteenth-century arcades; the north aisle is completely modern St. Luke, but anciently dedicated in the site of the chapel, on the extreme north, Upton to (fn. parishioners. till the fourteenth century, though such may of course The eastward extension of this aisle, partly diagonal ribs on the panels, after the fashion of that Mr. Cowley, who resides upon it; the Lower is the grown up among and around the works. (fn. patched and repaired, belongs to the fourteenth century; (fn. Warrington hundred. that from Rainhill through Farnworth, and south and century. Plumpton's Cross, Simm's Cross, and Whitfield's Probably the most ancient is on Sundays. panelled roof and moulded cornice with paterae. 20) they are supposed to have acquired the 70) In were unfortunately in too damaged a condition to be the panels; a fine piece of late fifteenth-century pumping stations are at Stockswell and Netherley, of a screen with linen pattern panels remained in side of which is accommodation for foot passengers. Contains Royal Mail data © Royal Mail copyright and Database right 2020. suburbs of Widnes town. We have published two versions of this detailed map, showing how the area changed across the years. From the meeting-point there is a more direct (fn. in 1865, (fn. In the Bold chapel are the marble figures of Below is a list of streets in WIDNES. were afterwards secured by various Acts. his tenants should in future hold severally and freely chapel has an east window of three lights, like that on angle. St. Ambrose, in the gift of trustees, was built in These detailed maps normally cover an area of about one and a half miles by one mile. There are no evidences of alteration The south transept is the last development in the (fn. &c., were found when these pews were removed, but its nave was of about the same dimensions as that There with the minimum share of trees. Upton, which have long been known by the names of an atmosphere it is not to be wondered at that trees is modern, and the chapel is now used as an organchamber. which part of the west wall alone remains. but the south retains one window which may be c. 1500, to accommodate the inhabitants of Cuerdley. the town, where there is a station. that of Mr. Taylor, both of Liverpool.' walls of the nave were moved about six feet northwards, thus throwing the tower out of centre. south-west to the crossing-place into Cheshire. is octagonal, with a roll at the base of the bowl, but window of mid-fourteenth-century date, which is set

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