After Apple 03 made its strafing pass with side-firing miniguns on the prison's guard towers,[n 38] Cherry 01 successfully dropped one of two planned napalm ground markers as a point of reference for the A-1s, then departed the objective area to a holding point over Laos where it would provide UHF direction-finding steers for the departing aircraft. IC/IMA. These listings will include all personnel who planned, supported, and participated in the raid. SGT Gary D. Keel Listed below is a complete list of awardees. Two A-1s supported Greenleaf with an air strike using white phosphorus bombs on a wooden footbridge east of the area. [7] The specially selected raiders extensively trained and rehearsed the operation at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, while planning and intelligence gathering continued from 25 May to 20 November 1970.[8]. CPT Glenn R. Rouse. The Doppler radar (used to calculate wind drift and ground speed) often had to use information in its computer's memory because of processing lapses. In 1970, the US had identified the names of over 500 American POWs who were being held by the North Vietnamese. Three minutes later, at 2:21 am, Colonel Simons and Greenleaf landed some distance from their intended landing zone and, instead of destroying the compound wall, they attacked a North Vietnamese barracks, killing 100 – 200 soldiers. (Gargus, p. 110). [5] Although at first it was feared one raider had been left behind, all the troopers were accounted for. Over the Gulf of Tonkin, twenty-four other aircraft in thirteen orbits provided support and protection. Supported by the C-123 Candlestick flare aircraft diverted from its station on another mission by Alleycat, a SAR force was launched, and when its "Sandy" A-1s arrived from Nakhon Phanom to cover the pickups, Apple 04 and Apple 05 each recovered one of the downed airmen at first light after three hours on the ground. The Combat Talon C-130s experienced sluggish flight controls at the required airspeeds, and the A-1s were hampered by their heavy ordnance loads. [58][n 30] Cherry 02, the Combat Talon escort for the A-1 strike formation, took off from Takhli at 22:25. TG. One was to lead the helicopter "assault formation" (Cherry 01) and the second to escort the A-1 "strike formation" (Cherry 02). While General Manor and his staff were undertaking the planning, command of the ground forces that would undertake the actual raid was given to Special Forces Colonel Arthur “Bull” Simons. [96] The crew of the damaged F-105 was compelled to eject over northern Laos, thirty minutes after being hit and within sight of its tanker, when its engine flamed out from lack of fuel. This was due to the fact that President Nixon was not in Washington, so he could not be briefed on the raid in time to meet the October window. SFC Anthony Dodge [37][41], On 24 September, Manor recommended approval of the October window to US Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, with 21 October as the primary execution date. SGT Marshal A. Thomas, 1LT George W. Williams Gargus was radar navigator on one of the aircraft and a mission planner. SFC Marion S. Howell Manor set up an Air Force training facility at Eglin's Duke Field and brought together a 27-member planning staff that included 11 from the prior feasibility study. MAJ Eustace M. Bunn CPT Dan H. McKinney The convoy was engaged separately by the teams, four minutes apart. BG Blackburn reported directly to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, so he took the intelligence to General Wheeler, who was the outgoing JCS Chairman at the time. [15], When Blackburn's recommendation that he lead the mission himself was turned down, he asked Colonel Arthur D. Simons on 13 July to command the Army's personnel. Among those who entered North Vietnam, only four Army and eleven Air Force officers (all members of the planning group) had advance knowledge of the target. Son Tay Raid Background . [102][103][n 56] The existence of "Camp Faith" (Dong Hoi) was only revealed to US intelligence on Thursday Nov 19th, 1970, in a coded message from Nguyen Van Hoang, an intelligence source in North Vietnam. [120][n 61] Some POWs said that food, medical care, and even seemingly basic things like mail delivery vastly improved after the raid.[121]. [24][n 6] All were then asked to volunteer for a temporary duty assignment without additional pay and without being told the nature of the mission. [56][n 24] Two C-130E(I) Combat Talons, modified with the temporary addition of FLIR sets, were assigned to navigate the mission. [94], The assault formation was out of North Vietnam by 03:15[95] and landed back at Udorn at 04:28, five hours after launch. The disengagement was supported by fire from the team's M-60 machine gun, which used all, Each orbit, anchored on the original IP, took four minutes to complete. In fact, reports from prisoners later confirmed that this raid did, in fact, improve their conditions. Simons and his Green Berets undertook over 170 rehearsals of the raid on their mock-up camp until Manor and Simons were satisfied that their men were ready to launch the mission. SAM launches at the F-105 Wild Weasel force began at 02:35,[61] with at least 36 missiles fired at the rescue forces.

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