The leather-faced sexagenarian then walks me over to Camarones 14, the site where the oldest mummies, dating back to around 5,000 BCE, were excavated in 1978. This is the site of a 1000 year old grave. Our preferred method of contact for all story pitches, rookie reports, feedback and enquiries is via our contact form. Arthur C. Aufderheide. There's a perfect beach for every week of the year. Original article on Live Science. Equinox kicks off autumn on Sept. 22, RV-size asteroid to get closer to Earth than the moon. The oldest mummies belong to a people now referred to as the Chinchorro, who are believed to have lived between 8,000 BCE and 500 BCE. Catherine has been investigating the land of the dead. Los grupos Chinchorro siguieron cazando y obteniendo recursos de lugares de las cercanías, pero como su sustento principal lo obtenían del mar, se asentaron en la costa, viviendo en casas edificadas sobre depresiones circulares cavadas en el suelo a las que se adosaron paravientos. Bernardo Arriaza, a physical anthropologist (scientists concerned with the evolution and biological diversity of humans) who's studied the Chinchorro mummies for more than three decades, is one of the key players documenting the global importance of the proposed world heritage site. In the run-up to that date, the local government has beefed up its efforts to both promote archeological tourism and empower local fishing communities to become custodians of the Chinchorro burial sites within their midst. Chile's proposal for World Heritage Site status for the Chinchorro sites is expected to be in UNESCO's hands by as early as 2020. CHRIS: Oh Hair extensions. CHRIS: Here we have a grind stone... the lower part of a grind stone. You will receive a verification email shortly. "It hasn't rained in parts of that desert for 400 years," Mitchell said. Making the black mummies involved taking the dead person's body completely apart, treating it and then reassembling it, skin and all. Nov 17, 2016 Ian Harvey. A rare (though increasingly common) rainstorm in February unearthed a fresh layer of Chinchorro artifacts that I spot as Ardiles and I walk along a hillside above the bay. Looming above the Eiffel Cathedral is El Morro, a 455-foot (139 meters) flat-topped hill. They're in South America. CATHERINE ELLIS, REPORTER: Egyptian mummies are famous. The museum's researchers are measuring and adjusting the humidity, temperature and light in the room where the mummies are housed on a daily basis, Sepulveda said. Efforts to preserve the mummies are underway. So the bacteria that would normally break down stuff like flesh can't survive because it's not moist enough. ARCHAEOLOGIST: We've got a tooth here and Kate found a braided hair. After chatting with Arriaza, I head two miles away to Playa Chinchorro, a wide expanse of brown-sugar sands stretching from downtown Arica to the mouth of the Lluta River. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? It's a hair extension from a mummy. The lush valleys provide good land for people to farm. The famous Chinchorro mummies, which have remained preserved in Chile for more than 7,000 years, are now under threat from increased levels of moisture. Seven Chinchorro mummies and the prehistory of northern Chile. Evidence suggests that their practice of mummification predates Egyptian mummies by as many as two thousand years. Thirty-two of them have been preserved in situ (replete with funerary bundles, skins … And they weren't all peaceful deaths, this guy has a harpoon right through the centre of his chest! Masks and wigs were were sometimes attached to their heads. It was unclear why some of these mummies started degrading into black ooze, so Chilean preservationists asked Mitchell and his colleagues to study the microflora, or the bacteria, on the mummies' bodies. Chinchorro Mummies Lots of you would have heard about the ancient mummies in Egypt. [In Photos: Chilean Mummy Shows Signs of Arsenic Poisoning]. "What we're trying to show is that we not only have the oldest evidence of intentional mummification, but it was done by pre-ceramic hunter-gatherer people in a pristine environment that remains today," he says when we meet up at his office at Arica's Universidad de Tarapaca. New York, The only signs of human existence along the way are six newly built Chinchorro statues designed by local artists Paola Pimentel and Johnny Vásquez. There's still lots of important archaeological work to be done in the north of Chile. We probably all know by now that some scientists think carbon dioxide is up there doing bad things for global warming. That is, until climate change threw a wrench into the equation. From there, I hop in a colectivo (shared taxi) for a 9-mile (15km) ride into the Azapa Valley, a sinewy strip of green within the greater Atacama, to visit the. The black chest of this Chinchorro mummy shows signs of degradation, even though it is housed at the University of Tarapacá’s archeological museum in Arica, Chile. Please refresh the page and try again. (Image credit: Courtesy of Marcela Sepulveda). "These were the earliest settlers of the Atacama region, so I like to think of them as the pioneers of the desert," he continues. The disintegrating body of a Chinchorro mummy at San Miguel de Azapa Museum in Arica, Chile. The Chinchorro were a hunter-gatherer group of people who lived along the coast of modern-day Chile and Peru, and they mummified people from all levels of society.These measures could help preserve the Chinchorro mummies, which are at least 2,000 years older than Egyptian mummies. Join us on a 12-month journey to see them all, a UNESCO application for World Heritage Site status, San Miguel de Azapa Archaeological Museum, 25 of the most beautiful places around the world, Monument or mirage? There are literally bones and vegetable fibers poking out of the brown earth over an area the size of a football field. ), "These aren't just kings, these are ordinary people," Mitchell said. The Chinchorro Mummies are considered to be some of the oldest mummies in the world. Unless the mummies can be kept under the right temperature and humidity conditions, "the native microorganisms are going to chew these guys right up," Mitchell said.

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