}); Mailing Address: Roma, Via del Gianicolo, 14. var elem = document.createElement('script');
Ad Limina | Necrology When the war ended and the seminaries re-opened, the Catholic Church in the United States had experienced such an increase in vocations to the priesthood that the old campus could no longer accommodate the many seminarians whom United States bishops wanted to send to Rome for their priestly formation and university studies. Established in 1859, the Pontifical North American College is "America’s seminary in Rome." Then, in 1932, the program of theological studies for the North American College students was transferred to the Gregorian University staffed by the Jesuits. %PDF-1.7
Overview | The college is exempt from United States federal taxation, and contributions to it are deductible by the donor to the extent provided in United States federal tax law and regulations and other applicable laws and regulations. Luke M. Sweeney, STL, Adjunct Spiritual Directorlsweeney@pnac.org, Sr. Maria Silva, OP, Librariansrmariasilva@pnac.org, Sr. Judith Zoebelein, FSE, Assistant to the Director of Apostolic Formationjzoebelein@pnac.org, Sr. Marie Mechthild Wasserthal, RSM, Infirmarianinfirmary@pnac.org, Mark Randall, CFRE, Executive Directormrandall@pnac.org, Jessica Palyo, Advancement Operations Managerjpalyo@pnac.org, Shane Littleton, Advancement Database Managerslittleton@pnac.org, Lory Mondaini, Rector’s Secretarylmondaini@pnac.org, Anna Sirocchi, Administrative Secretary, Office of the Rectorasirocchi@pnac.org, Maria Soggiu, Secretary to the Vice-Rector for Seminary Lifemsoggiu@pnac.org, Raffaella Granellini, Secretary to the Vice-Rector for Administrationrgranellini@pnac.org, Roberto Corsetti, Director of Personnelrcorsetti@pnac.org, Claudio Sperduti, Purchasing Agentcsperduti@pnac.org, Francesca Marini, Comptrollerfmarini@pnac.org, Alessandra Bibbò, Accounting Clerkabibbo@pnac.org, Gerardina Cicatiello, Accounting Clerkgcicatiello@pnac.org, Roberta Giovannetti, Accounting Clerkrgiovannetti@pnac.org, Costanza Mola, Accounting Clerkcmola@pnac.org, Annarita Pettinella, Accounting Clerkapettinella@pnac.org, Antonella Ruberto, Accounting Clerkaruberto@pnac.org, Alberto Belletti, Ph.D., Archivistabelletti@pnac.org, Vito Audieri, IT Managervaudieri@pnac.org, Beatrice Ivaldi, Italian Residency Permit Coordinatorbivaldi@pnac.org, Rev. Washington, DC 20017. Randall Soto, STD, Carl J. Peter Chair of Homiletics, Spiritual Director, Professor of Theology and Biblical Languagesrsoto@pnac.org, Rev. (Donations, mailing list information, alumni assistance), Pontifical North American College3211 4th Street NEWashington, DC 20017202-541-5411. • Please arrange the application portfolio in the following order: (Instructions in PDF format) (editable shipping form) There are two mailing addresses to the Pontifical North American College: they are in two different countries. qacct:"p-tDHWV7YXNsXfD"
Kurt J. Belsole, OSB, STD, Director of Liturgical Formation, Formation Advisorkbelsole@pnac.org, Rev. The Pontifical North American College. endobj
Brendan Hurley, SJ, MDiv, Spiritual Directorbhurley@pnac.org, Rev. David Schunk, STL, Vice-Rector for Administration, Director of Media Relations, Guest Master, Formation Advisordschunk@pnac.org, Dott. Mailing Address: Roma, Via del Gianicolo, 14 Telephone: Fax: 06.686.75.61 Past and Present Ordinaries. . Kenneth J. Malley, STB, Dip. ... Pontifical North American College Affiliated Bishops, Living. should be labelled as follows: As packages sent to the Italian address from a non-EU country are subject to import/customs duties from the Italian state, to be paid upon delivery, please note that the Porters will not accept packages which require payment upon receipt: the package will be sent back.
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