Allow it to dry completely before wearing it again. Hard-bristled toothbrushes and scrub pads may scratch your diamond, marring its beautiful sparkle and lowering its values. On the lookout for the perfect engagement ring? You guys went above and beyond. Remove your white gold ring when doing housework so as not to expose your jewelry to harsh chemicals. google_ad_width = 336; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; It's better to wash the ring in a large bowl instead of over the sink, just in case you slip and lose your precious sapphire ring down the plug hole. //-->. ... Untreated and even heat-treated sapphire is very durable. All it takes is enough warm water to cover the piece and a little degreasing dish detergent. Not only is your engagement ring probably one of the most expensive pieces of jewelry you've ever owned, but it also holds a lot of sentimental value, so you'll want to know how to take care of that precious engagement ring. amzn_assoc_title = "Related Products:"; White Sapphire Engagement Rings in Rose Gold or Yellow Gold look gorgeous and exquisite. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Now that we’re done considering the durability and the do’s and dont’s when wearing our precious rings. Chemicals like bleach, chlorine and acetone can break down the metal in your band. Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Make sure that it won’t affect the durability of the metal and cause discoloration on the stone and metal. Sooner or later every white gold piece needs to have its coating restored, but how fast the plating will wear off depends on how often you wear and polish your ring. Instead, dip a soft cloth in the soapy water, and rub the metal parts of the ring gently. Alternatively, you can use a more versatile jewelry cleaning and polishing kit like this one, which will work on a wide range of jewelry materials — just make sure that the one you get can be used on the metals and gemstones you have. What Is Inlay Jewelry and Should You Buy It? Use a soft, dry jewelry cleaning cloth to polish sapphire. This can be used no matter what stone and metal type your ring is. Once the process is complete your sapphire ring should look great. Gem stones are often an object of interest for people. – Liquid Soap How to clean your sapphire ring at the comfort of your home. For example, shampoo, hairspray, hand lotions, hand soaps and cooking oils can leave a cloudy sheen across your diamond and your band. White Gold vs. Each engagement ring is unique with many different stones, metals and settings. Wear sapphire jewelry with care. The ring size I gave you was a little too big so we took it to some jewellers near us to resize it and they all remarked that the ring was very beautifully and very well made. Avoid moisturizing products- it can leave a film on the ring, For drying- Avoid paper towels- can scratch metal. [CDATA[ //
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