France, Central Europe, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, West Indies, Virtually all of the Italian states, including the neutral Papal States and the, Re-entered the war as an ally of France after signing the, Formed in French-allied Italy in 1797, following the abolition of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth after the. Revolt was stamped out. Royal Families Quickness to divine his enemy's plans, a thorough knowledge of geography which produced combinations that were executed with bewildering audacity, an ability to get a maximum amount of marching and fighting out of an army of young veterans who were poorly shod and clad and ill fed, and the loyal support of his subordinates, Augereau, Massena, Joubert, Lannes, Marmont, Victor, Murat, and Junot, combined to enable Bonaparte to conquer northern Italy for France. A million soldiers were sent to the front. When the Directory ordered him to divide the command with Kellermann and make a dash at Rome and Naples, he replied by threatening to resign his commission, pointed out that the defeat of Austria in the north would secure possession of all Italy without frittering away his force on minor enterprises while the main issue was undecided, and finally declared that a divided command meant failure, saying he held that "one bad general was better than two good ones." War of the First Coalition. History Movies Bonaparte besiegte aufeinanderfolgende österreichische Armeen, die unter Johann Peter Beaulieu , Dagobert Sigmund von Wurmser und József Alvinczi gegen ihn geschickt wurden, während er die Belagerung fortsetzte. The campaign of 1797 was an act of colossal audacity. This government gave the executive — Five Directors — too little power over war, and they had to manage a legislature which continually preached spreading the revolution by force. K Char The other Great Powers were now looking at French hungrily, but this did not automatically mean war. But in most of the campaigns the general conduct of the operations was equally bad on both sides. History Austria, Prussia, Russia and the Ottoman Empires had been involved in a series of power struggles in Eastern Europe and had been less worried about the French king than their own jostling for positions until Poland, stuck in the middle, followed France by declaring a new constitution. A - K France and the revolution had thus been sheltered while it progressed but became a useful distraction with land which could be taken. Three successive attacks compelled the Sardinians under Colli to retreat towards Turin, while the Austrian commander, Beaulieu, fell back towards Milan. Meanwhile, Britain was sucking up French colonies, the French navy is unable to work at sea with a devastated officer corps. Kids & History MAP ARCHIVE          Der Aufstand in der Vendée wurde auch 1796 von Louis Lazare Hoche niedergeschlagen . France declared war on the Habsburg monarchy of Austria on 20 April 1792, and the Kingdom of Prussia joined the Austrian side a few weeks later. timeline of the French Revolutionary Wars. The next French army was posted at Metz (Lorraine), eighty miles to the west. Wars Timeline - 1794 WARS, BATTLES AND REVOLUTIONS          Französischer Sieg; Vertrag von Paris , Frieden von Basel , Vertrag von Campo Formio, Erste Koalition: Armee der niederländischen Republik Condé (bis 1795) Großbritannien Heiliges Römisches Reich (bis 1797), Neapel (bis 1796) Portugal Sardinien (bis 1796) Spanien (bis 1795). August 27, 1791. War was inevitable. With such tactics the battle line was no longer formed by the Republicans, and the attack was made by the advance of several independent columns, often with wide gaps between them. Battles 1900 - Today, Picture Archive Out of this crisis, in 1793, grew the great Committee of Public Safety, which ruled France for a year with despotic power.

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