Forecast: GDP PPP Per Capita (PPP Intl $), Total Trade of Goods & Services: % of Nominal GDP (%), GDP: BF: Export of Goods and Services (EUR mn), GDP: BF: Import of Goods and Services (EUR mn), GDP: DD: Final Consumption: Households (EUR mn), GDP: DD: Gross Capital Formation (EUR mn), GDP: DD: Gross Capital Formation: Gross Fixed Capital Formation (EUR mn), GDP: DD: Gross Capital Formation: Change in Stocks and Valuables (EUR mn), GDP: Balance of Foreign Trade (BF) (EUR mn), Gross Domestic Product (GDP): EUR: sa (EUR mn), GDP: EUR: sa: Final Consumption Expenditure (EUR mn), GDP: EUR: sa: Gross Capital Formation (EUR mn), GDP: EUR: sa: Export of Goods and Services (EUR mn), GDP: EUR: sa: Import of Goods and Services (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Industry: ow Manufacturing (EUR mn), GDP: GVA: Information & Communication (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: Net Taxes on Products (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Industry: ow Manufacturing (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Agriculture, Forestry & Fishing (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: Gross Value Added (GVA) (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Real Estate Activities (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Industry (EUR mn), GDP: Chain Linked 2010p: GVA: Construction (EUR mn), Disposable Income: EUR: Gross National Income (EUR mn), Disposable Income: EUR: Gross National Disposable Income (EUR mn), Financial Liabilities: Stock: NF: Debt Securities (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: NF: Loans (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: GG: Debt Securities (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: GG: Loans (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: Households (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: HH: Loans (EUR th), Financial Liabilities: Stock: NPISH: Loans (EUR th), IPI: NACE 2008: wda: Intermediate Goods (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: wda: Capital Goods (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: wda: Consumer Goods: Non Durable (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: Intermediate Goods (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: Capital Goods (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: Consumer Goods: Non Durable (Prev Year=100), IPI: NACE 2008: wda: Energy (Prev Year=100), Energy Balance: Electricity: Primary Production (TJ), Energy Balance: Electricity: Final Consumption (TJ), New Orders: NACE 2: Manufacturing (Mfg) (EUR mn), Nominal Residential Property Price Index (2010=100), Nominal Residential Property Price Index Growth (%), Real Residential Property Price Index (2010=100), Real Residential Property Price Index Growth (%), Construction Turnover Index: NACE 2: 2015p (Same Mth PY=100), Construction Production Index: 2010p (Same Mth PY=100), Completed Dwellings: Avg Living Area (sq m), Residential Property Price: per Sq m (EUR), Consolidated Fiscal Balance: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Government Expenditure (EUR bn), State Budget: Revenue: ytd: Tax: GS: Value Added (EUR mn), State Budget: Revenue: ytd: Tax: GS: Excise (EUR mn), State Budget: Expenditure: ytd: Current (EUR mn), State Budget: Expenditure: ytd: Capital (EUR mn), State Budget: Deficit or Surplus (EUR mn), Central Government Debt: Cumulated: EUR (EUR mn), Central Government Debt: Cumulated: EUR: Domestic (EUR mn), Central Government Debt: Cumulated: EUR: Foreign (EUR mn), General Government Debt: Consolidated (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Foreign (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Foreign: Short Term (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Domestic (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Foreign: Long Term (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Domestic: Short Term (EUR th), General Government Debt: Consolidated: Domestic: Long Term (EUR th), Population: Economically Active (Person th), Employment: NACE 2: Construction (Person th), Employment: NACE 2: Wholesale & Retail Trade (Person th), Avg Gross Wages: Nominal: NACE 2: Industry: Mining and Quarrying (EUR), Avg Gross Wages: Nominal: NACE 2: Industry: Manufacturing (Mfg) (EUR), Avg Gross Wages: Nominal: NACE 2: Construction (EUR), Hours Worked: 2015=100: Industry (2015=100), Hours Worked: 2015=100: Industry: Manufacturing (Mfg) (2015=100), Motor Vehicle Sales: Commercial Cars (Unit), Motor Vehicle Sales: Passenger Cars (Unit), Consumer Confidence: Net Balance (% Point), Retail Trade Turnover Index: NACE 2: 2015p: excl Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles ... (Same Mth PY=100), Motor Vehicles Turnover Index: NACE 2: 2015p: Wholesale, Retail Trade and Repair... (Same Mth PY=100), Wholesale Trade Turnover Index: NACE 2: excl Motor Vehicles (EM) (Same Mth PY=100), CPI: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverage Change (%), Forecast: Consumer Price Index Growth (%), Harmonized Index of Consumer Price (HICP) (2015=100), Consumer Price Index: Transport (Dec2000=100), Consumer Price Index: Education (Dec2000=100), Consumer Price Index: Food and Non Alcoholic Beverages (Dec2000=100), Consumer Price Index: Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (Dec2000=100), Consumer Price Index: Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Other Fuels (Dec2000=100), Consumer Price Index: Health (Dec2000=100), Core and Net Inflation: MoM: Core Inflation (%), Exports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Imports: Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Product (USD th), Exports: EUR: ytd: Base Metals and Base Metal Products (EUR th), Exports: EUR: ytd: Machinery and Electronic Equipment (EUR th), Exports: EUR: ytd: Vehicles and Transport Equipment (EUR th), Exports: EUR: ytd: Mineral Products (EUR th), Exports: EUR: Russian Federation (EUR mn), Imports: EUR: ytd: Base Metals and Base Metal Products (EUR th), Imports: EUR: ytd: Machinery and Electronic Equipment (EUR th), Imports: EUR: ytd: Vehicles and Transport Equipment (EUR th), Imports: EUR: ytd: Mineral Products (EUR th), Imports: EUR: Russian Federation (EUR mn), Exports Volume Index: Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils, Bituminous Substances and Wax (Prev Year=100), Exports Volume Index: Electrical Machinery and Equipment (Prev Year=100), Exports Volume Index: Vehicles excl Railway or Tramway Rolling-Stock and Parts (Prev Year=100), Imports Volume Index: Mineral Fuels, Mineral Oils, Bituminous Substances and Wax (Prev Year=100), Imports Volume Index: Pharmaceutical Products (Prev Year=100), Imports Volume Index: Nuclear Reactor, Boilers, Machinery and Mechanical Applian... (Prev Year=100), Imports Volume Index: Electrical Machinery and Equipment (Prev Year=100), Imports Volume Index: Vehicles excl Railway or Tramway Rolling-Stock and Parts (Prev Year=100), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Debt Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: Equity Securities (USD mn), Foreign Portfolio Investment: % of GDP (%), Forecast: Current Account Balance (USD bn), Net International Investment Position (USD mn), BoP: ytd: Capital Account: Credit (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: CA: Primary Income: Debit (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Direct Investment: Liabilities (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Portfolio Investment: Assets (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: CA: Primary Income: Credit (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Financial Derivatives (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: Capital Account: Debit (EUR mn), Balance of Payments (BoP): Year-to-date (ytd): Current Account (CA) (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: Financial Account (FA) (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Portfolio Investment: Liabilities (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Direct Investment: Assets (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Portfolio Investment (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Other Investment: Assets (EUR mn), BoP: ytd: FA: Other Investment: Liabilities (EUR mn), International Investment Position (IIP) (EUR mn), Gross External Debt: General Government (GG) (EUR mn), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Italy (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow The Netherlands (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Austria (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Czech Republic (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Germany (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Real Estate Activities (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Manufacturing (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Electricity, Gas, Steam & Air Conditioning Supply (EUR th), Foreign Direct Investment: ow Wholesale & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Austria (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Cyprus (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Czech Republic (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Luxembourg (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Poland (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Manufacturing (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Real Estate Activities (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Professional, Scientific & Technical Activities (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Wholesale & Retail Trade, Repair of Motor Vehicles (EUR th), Direct Investment Abroad: ow Financial & Insurance Activities (EUR th), No of Business Entities: Legal Form (LF) (Unit), Foreign Exchange Reserves: Months of Import (NA), Monetary Aggregates in Euro Area: Slovakia Contribution (SC): M3 (EUR mn), Monetary Agg in Euro Area: SC: M3: M2 (EUR mn), Monetary Agg in Euro Area: SC: M3: M2: M1 (EUR mn), Official Reserve Assets: Foreign Currency (FC): Convertible (EUR mn), Official Reserve Assets: Gold: incl Gold Deposits and Gold Swapped (GD) (EUR mn), MFI: Loans Granted: OA: Domestic: Households (EUR th), Bank Deposits: New Business: Overnight (EUR th), Bank Loans: Domestic: New Business (EUR th), SK: TARGET 2 Balance: Outstanding (EUR mn), MFIs: Consolidated (Cons): Assets (EUR mn), ECB Interest Rate: Deposit Facility (% pa), ECB Interest Rate: Marginal Lending Facility (% pa), Deposits Rate: EUR: Outstanding Amounts (OA) (% pa), Deposits Rate: EUR: New Business (NB) (% pa), Lending Rate: EUR: Outstanding Amounts (% pa), Lending Rate: Domestic: New Business: House Purchase: Mortgages (% pa), Lending Rate: EUR: Commercial Banks: NB: Households (HH) (% pa), Government Bond Yield: Long Term: Benchmark: Average (% pa), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: France (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: Germany (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Europe: Austria (Person), Visitor Arrivals: North America: United States (Person), Visitor Arrivals: Australia and Oceania (Person), Length of Stay: Overnight: Foreigners (Night), Business Confidence: Net Balance (% Point), Construction Confidence Indicator: Seasonally Adjusted (sa) (% Point), Retail Trade Confidence Indicator: Seasonally Adjusted (sa) (% Point), Services Confidence Indicator: Seasonally Adjusted (sa) (% Point), Market Capitalization: BSSE: Shares and Units: Shares (EUR), No of Issues: BSSE: Shares and Units: Shares (Unit), Exports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Imports: Telecommunication Equipment (USD th), Passengers Transport: Railway (Person th), ESA 1995: GDP: by Expenditure: 1995 Price, ESA 1995: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2000 Price, ESA 1995: GDP: by Expenditure: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 1995: GDP: by Industry: Chain Linked 2000 Price, ESA 1995: GDP: by Industry: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Current Price: Seasonally Adjusted, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 2010: GDP: by Expenditure: Previous Year Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Income: Current Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Income: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Chain Linked 2010 Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Chain Linked 2010 Price: Annual, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 2010: GDP: by Industry: Previous Year Price: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities Rev 2, ESA 2010: GDP: Disposable Income: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: Disposable Income: Index: Same Quarter Previous Year=100, ESA 2010: GDP: Household Final Consumption: Chain Linked 2010 Price, ESA 2010: GDP: Household Final Consumption: Current Price, ESA 2010: GDP: Household Income: Current Price, ESA 2010: Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Current Price, ESA 2010: Gross Fixed Capital Formation: Current Price: Statistical Classification of Economic Activities Rev 2, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Central Bank: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Central Bank: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Financial Auxiliaries: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Financial Auxiliaries: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: General Government: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: General Government: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Households: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Households: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Insurance Corporations: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Insurance Corporations: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Financial Corporations: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Financial Corporations: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Money Market Funds: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Money Market Funds: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Non Profit Institutions Serving Households: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Other Depositary Corporations: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Other Depository Corporations: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Other Financial Intermediaries: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Other Financial Intermediaries: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Pension Funds: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Pension Funds: Stock, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Rest of the World: Flow, Funds by Sector: ESA 2010: Rest of the World: Stock, Gross Domestic Product: Annual Growth Rate, Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: by Expenditure: Quarterly, Gross Domestic Product: Deflator and Volume Index: Annual, Gross Domestic Product: Purchasing Power Parity.
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