OS: Windows 9x, Windows 2000 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10. $4.87/month for a 1-year plan, Number of IP addresses: 50,000 If you're confident that you can fly (and believe me, those of you who've played the Wing Commander games should be as the controls are pretty similar), then you can take on wave Upon wave of enemy fighters by selecting the Instant Action option.The first thing that strikes you is just how fast StarLancer is. Paradoxically though, their teamwork is superb as they try to suck you away from the carriers you're protecting, in order to give their bombers a clear run at your unprotected capital ships. The decisions you make affect your promotional chances as well as the war's progress, all of which will be conveyed in news reports. You and three friends can play together through the campaign, or up to eight of you can play against each other in a death match. It plays great and has a great story line. It's more arcade than a simulation, with droves of enemy craft bearing down on you, and very little time to dispose of them.After playing FreeSpace 2 and X -BTF, it's striking just how much of an adrenaline rush the combat in StarLancer provides, both in the sim pod and in the actual campaign missions. It's more arcade than a simulation, with droves of enemy craft bearing down on you, and very little time to dispose of them. Once you feel confident enough with your piloting ability, it's time to tackle your first mission. At first you only have four fighters to choose from, but by the end of the game you're given a selection of 12.  /  Now it's time to mix things up in the vacuum. /  One of the biggest criticisms I have of StarLancers the lack of teamwork, the lack of any feeling that your squadron care about you, or even know you exist. Many missions have more than one objective, and most of them provide you with the chance to take the initiative to complete secondary tasks, not stated in your mission outline. There's also a host of weaponry to equip your ship with, and, if you don't pay enough attention to the mission objectives outlined in the briefing, you'll probably choose the wrong missiles for the job. I have played with the compatibility setting including trying to use the windows 98-me setting but nothing seems to work. Link up with your friends though, and you're in for a great new experience. The scene is now set for a titanic battle to save your side from annihilation, with the plot furthered throughout the game by means of news reports and the occasional cut-scene. Version: StarLancer 1.0, This is a very awesome game and I would recommend this to anyone that is good at first-person, space fighting games. Number of IP addresses: 30,000 Starlancer Walkthrough (Here is the complete walkthrough from the game Starlancer in German only.)  /  This is done in the sim pod, which leads you through the basics step by step. StarLancer's lack of rigidity also paves the way for its excellent multiplayer co-operative option, something which has been sadly lacking from other titles in the genre. Fix for StarLancer crashing on modern versions of Windows when using the medal case. The multiplayer option makes StarLancer come alive, because it overcomes the game's major shortcomings in terms of teamwork, especially if you can play over a network. It's been almost five years since Chris Roberts' last game, Wing Commander IV, hit the shelves. This game is # 1 on my game list right now. Countries from around the world, After starting their own development house, Digital Anvil, Roberts and co have produced their own contender for the top spot, StarLancer. You don't have time to think, you've just got to fly on pure instinct. Version: StarLancer 1.0. There's also a host of weaponry to equip your ship with, and, if you don't pay enough attention to the mission objectives outlined in the briefing, you'll probably choose the wrong missiles for the job.  |  ... Bill Stepec (59) added Starlancer (Windows) on Jun 29, 2000 Other platforms contributed by haydn dalton (1) Credits (72 people) Producer: Erin D. Roberts. Version: StarLancer 1.0, December 05, 2000 Delete StarLancer with Windows Add/Remove Program (for Windows 8, 8.1, 10) Right-click on the Windows button at the bottom left corner of the desktop. Version: StarLancer 1.0, One game to die for! One of StarLancer's strongest features is its open-ended nature. I would pay full price to have the original game and have it work on windows 10! I still have my logitech flight joystick, and the old discs (which sadly don't work on newer versions of windows) and would absolutely love to buy Starlancer to get back into it! One of the biggest criticisms I have of StarLancers the lack of teamwork, the lack of any feeling that your squadron care about you, or even know you exist. The variety and quality of ships is excellent and should cater for the flying style of every type of pilot, whether you're swift, fearless and deadly, or slow, cack-handed and easily confused by fast moving vehicles. If you loved the Wing Commander series you'll enjoy this game. If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the CNET's Site Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). This file was originally downloaded from mega.nz. 3 months free with 1-year plan, Number of servers: 1,500 You're provided with a copilot, who tells you when you've been locked on to, and when you should consider running away. At first you only have four fighters to choose from, but by the end of the game you're given a selection of 12. It all revolves around the Alliance (a thinly disguised version of Nato) and the Coalition (you guessed it, the Russians), vying for control of the Milky Way in the not so distant future. You don't have time to think, you've just got to fly on pure instinct. After playing FreeSpace 2 and X -BTF, it's striking just how much of an adrenaline rush the combat in StarLancer provides, both in the sim pod and in the actual campaign missions.

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