Actually, idolatry is surprisingly modern and very prevalent in our culture. Many menial tasks are now automated.

Not only is this an idol, it’s a tough way to live.

We have taken a gift from God and made it into the god of our lives. To put it concisely, it doesn’t say anything positive. But we do have idols today. Again, let me reiterate. We love entertainment in all forms. We see time and time again in the Bible that we tend to drift away from God. We receive a very clear warning about this in Matthew 6:24: “When people think about grace, they usually think about the forgiveness of sins; and since we have all sinned, we all need grace.” Sigurd Bratlie opens this booklet about grace with these words. But when our lives become all about the search for entertainment and chase of the best experiences we can find, then it’s become an idol. Money isn’t the problem it’s how we use it and view that can become a problem.

Before you read this list hear me on this. The 10 Commandments lead off with a command against idolatry (Exodus 20:3).

It doesn’t matter if you have money or are broke.

If your identity is in your work, your skills, your looks, or anything else you will constantly feel like you don’t measure up.

However, he goes on to describe in-depth that the grace that is in Christ Jesus means so much more than forgiveness.

We tend to think of idolatry as a sin of the past or an eastern mysticism thing.

It might be the only thing we think about more than money. Lots of them. Don’t let anything, even a good thing, take the place of God in your life. I’m not saying we should rid ourselves of the things on this list.

However, now it has taken many different forms.

If the motivating factor in your life is money and not God, then that’s an idol. They were deluded by riches, by other customs and different teachings.The Old Testament is rich with examples, both good and bad, that remain just as relevant in the present day.

They serve as a cautionary tale for our own lives.Today idolatry remains a powerful tool that the devil uses to turn us away from God. This is a list of things that can take the place of God in our lives. Example: Earthly treasures/heavenly treasures.

Both the Old Testament and the New Testament are full of warnings against idolatry because we are so prone to wander. There is an endless list of products promising to simplify and add comfort to your life. Dry as a desert.But shouldn’t that, as a Christian, actually be my only true concern? Whether it be our social media following, our position at work, our abilities/skills, or the achievements we are after. We must be diligent in examining our life for idols. We think idolatry is confined to bowing down to a golden statue or praying to a wooden trinket. They look different than the idols of the past, but we still practice idol worship today.Before we look at what idols we worship we need to get a better definition of what an idol is.

From Netflix to vacations and video games to podcasts. I get challenged about my personal and leadership idols every year when I read through the middle part of the book of Isaiah.Chapter 44, for example, is all about the futility of worshipping idols, which in those days, was mostly wood or stone carvings.So what’s an idol today? When a good thing becomes an ultimate thing ultimately it becomes a destructive thing in our lives.

What was I busy with?” If you have an honest and pure desire to serve God, then you need to take up a battle so that your thoughts are not on a wandering, back-and-forth trail, but that your mind is set firmly on things above! And since we don’t do that we assume we don’t have idols.

I should be able to say with Jesus, Take a look back at your past week and ask yourself, “Where were my thoughts? I can talk for hours about these things, but ask me about God’s Word and I’m completely empty.

To fill myself with the word of God so that I have a clear guideline by which to live my life? However, now it has taken many different forms.Just like in the stories from the Old Testament, there are many pleasures of life or material goods that divert our attention away from serving God.

We certainly don’t have idols in western culture, right? And like any tool, you have to use it in the correct way otherwise it can cause much damage. Here are 4 questions to ask yourself to help you identify idols in your life. That none of these things have become more important than God to us. To even question the sexual ethic in our society will bring a slew of accusations. Even good things can become idols when we make them ultimate things in our lives. It can be a good thing. And yet, again and again the Israelites turned from God. They will lead you to what either is an idol or what you might be tempted to make an idol. God doesn’t leave any room for confusion in the commandment: “You shall have no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3.

We no longer bow down to idols and images. I want to briefly look at what the Bible says about idolatry. We are obsessed with being entertained. They have placed more value on who they are rather than in God. It also means truth and help. And we all have them.

And we are all prone to have idols in our lives. For many of the things, that would be impossible.

Our sexual identity, sexual practices, and sex lives are sacred to us.

While comfort isn’t bad, it can become damaging when it becomes the main pursuit in life. Achieving these Even smaller, more “harmless” things can twist our attention away from God. How can we get rid of it?Do you really believe in God’s goodness and strength?

Question: "Why is idol worship such a powerful temptation?" When the things of earth become great to you and divert your mind and heart from the guiding voice of the Holy Spirit.All too often, the biggest idol in our lives is the one that looks us right in the mirror each and every morning.

And it comes in many forms.

It can be very easy to get completely wrapped up in earthly matters.

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