User Experience & UI tools are one of the best skills you can get nowadays. get early access to (Next gen CTA, on video, live chat)There should be a definite CTA hierarchy that helps you differentiate from your primary CTAs, secondary CTAs, and tertiary CTAs.The usage of contrasting colors, directional cues, and big sized buttons always make it easy for the customer to find it quickly.Let us explore some of the examples that are redefining CTA on the go.Loom is the go-to screen recording tool for your phone as well as computer.Their latest offering, Loom Pro explores the concept of collaborating with your peers and colleagues in a much more efficient manner.Loom Pro now comes with HD recording, video call-to-action, drawing tool, viewer insights and more.New integration with Zendesk Add Loom videos to your Zendesk knowledge base so your team & customers can watch your content directly in the articles. Even as the Also, optimize your workflow.Learn the basics as well as more advanced techniques od HTML & CSS. It brings your prototypes to In this guide, you will learn in detail about designing a great UX for email marketing. experts are among most wanted people in the industry with salaries skyrocketing to beat front-end fluent and noticeably faster.LearnUX is definetly not only for beginners but also experienced (Headlines talks about the problem and sub-headline talks about the solution)You can also check the quality of your email headlines using tools like:By including useful, informative and beneficial information.It should have an emotional promise made of two phrases which create a curiosity gap prompting the user to click.If your content promises to be clear and concise, your email has the potential to get a Tailoring a service according to the interest of a group or an individual based on their preferences forms the crux of personalization.It can go a little pushy in mass emails, and they are quickly spotted these days.My first strife with email marketing began over pushy emails.It didn’t go down well, I managed to delete them and made an effort to never see such emails.But a few days later, I received an email that was so subtle in its approach that it managed to get me to their website.Now there was something different about what this particular company did.Here are those two emails that pushed me and caressed me.I know for a fact that I’m just one of the 1000 consumers they try to rope in.There’s no rush and I am absolutely at peace with this mail.The next time you think of emailing your customers, choose to be their friend.Video is a ton more engaging and most importantly, From welcome emails, invitation, offer emails and more, with video personalization you can add a personal touch.Vidyard is the next-generation video platform aimed at driving more revenue with more user engagement.Their services pan across video hosting, analytics, content personalization, and live streaming.Brands can create unique video content with Vidyard’s personalized video solutions.A major player in video hosting for business, Wistia does a pretty good job in video personalization but what makes them stand out is its accurate in-depth analytics.Check out their explainer video, so cool you want to subscribe to them.Your business and your emails, in the end, depending on one major element.CTA can be anything. designers. companies UI/UX consultant. Period.So it is safe to say that email marketing is here to stay.Do you have the habit of immediately reaching the ‘mark as spam’ button when you get an email that doesn’t connect with you?This is exactly what is happening to most of the emails you’ve been shooting out to your target audience.Yes, all those marketing campaigns and dollars ending up in the trash, quite literally!To make matters worse, spam filters are now getting advanced with each passing day.It’s almost like asking how to impress your secret crush within 3 seconds of meeting him/her!The answer to both these questions could be the same – by presenting yourself as interesting as possible to the other person!It may sound simple, but it’s much more complicated in reality.Ever noticed how satisfying it has become for you to use a website?Or an email or app that just produces a smooth interaction.User experience focuses on improving the quality of the user’s interaction based on what they need.The importance of UX design has been on a rise in recent times, with brands like Apple and Amazon inventing new ways to offer the best user experience.They cater to a special type of UX – “UX so good so that it can drastically improve the revenue.”Creation of a good UX design depends on a lot of user research, which involves detailed insight about what people read and want the most.Curiosity, clarity of expression and empathy are some of the factors a UX designer looks into.Let’s dig into why marketers need to give a damn about UX in emails.Simply put, marketers do not pay attention to the effect UX can have on emails.or if you are a product manager at an ecommerce platform,Designers slog for hours or even days to design an email that may not even work.The same way the Empire State Building stands out – by being By offering one of the best views in not only New York but of the entire world!The same could be said for Toronto Raptors who continue to amaze their fans – by being a feast for the eyes with their incredible style of play.Before we dig deeper into UX design for email marketing, let’s get the basics right.According to Hubspot, 59% of email users say marketing emails with This can improve open rates and provide a good user experience to the user.In this topic, you will learn about the UX principles in detail and how you can implement them in your email design approach.These principles have been constructed into chapters for your better understanding.A valuable email user experience is what makes the customer journey easier.Let’s take a look at the steps to create value to email, by understanding the user intent and needs.Crafting a relevant and important subject line is the start of your beautiful friendship with your reader.If you can solve the most common problem of users, they are likely to open the mail.In the mail, the problem of low website visits is first brought into attention.Neil ends the subject line with a solution to generate curiosity:Out of hundreds of emails reaching your customer’s inbox, a handful of them gives the reader its true value.Let’s take a look at a value-driven email from GoPro.In this mail, GoPro hooked the reader with a catchy headline that best describes the rest of the email.Benefits like “free shipping and free SD card on purchase” were placed above the headline for easy visibility.Details about the offer has been included in the subject line which tempts the reader to scroll down.In a single move, GoPro went on to showcase their products in 3 categories that a user can easily understand.Along with the photos, they have also briefly mentioned what comes with each kit.To top it all, CTA buttons have been given to each category of products making the way for an efficient email experience.The usability of an email is defined by two questions.For example, a welcome mail is a perfect way to interact with the user and introduce the products.Let’s take a look at how the fashion brand ‘’Hunter’’ worked on the usability factor.Here, Hunter looks to capitalize on the Valentine’s day.With a clear headline and message, the need to shop for their Valentine is stressed.The reader is very familiar with the user experience here i.e click on the ‘The message should have a clear focus, but on top of that, it should also raise brand awareness.Nike’s intention behind this email is to delight an existing customer.By giving a special discount on their birthday, capturing their emotional connection.With minimum usage of text, they have successfully conveyed the message.To make emails ‘findable’, one must know the importance of structure and navigation.‘Findability’ is closely related to ‘Usability’ and ‘Accessibility’.To make something easily findable, the design should be easily accessible and the content should be useful.Making your emails responsive is the first step to creating a findable email.With an adept structure and navigation, a reader can easily find the information he is looking for, thus increasing the chances of that email to convert.For this to work well, you do need to make use of email software that is able to do that and have aLet us take an example of how Google Assistant makes effortless navigation.Here, users are given information about their favorite restaurants,The ease at which a user can understand the text, icons and overall format.Conduct a test whether the user can analyze and read the content with ease within 3 seconds.Let’s have a look at how JetBlue Airlines crafted their welcome email.JetBlue’s TrueBlue program had an attractive reward system that benefits the users in many ways.Loyalty systems are typical in their industry, so it makes sense to emphasize the perks out of the gate and the most out of your And what’s better than a welcome mail to begin with?In this email, the reward system was introduced to the user with a simple sub-headline.All the benefits of the point reward system was displayed in icons under the subject line for easy findability.These icons were also placed in the header portion along with the program name – TrueBlue.In one single mail, they welcomed their user, introduced their reward system and explained it with visual icons.When the information in an email is worthy to the reader.Images that can relate to the human problems can easily capture the attention.Let’s take a look at a recent email from Zomato, a leading restaurant review and food delivery platform.Didn’t mean to tempt your tastebuds, but Zomato with their emails does an excellent job here.Zomato recently introduced snacks as their latest delivery option.The purpose of this mail was to let customers know that they can order snacks from now on.The email goes on to prove its usefulness, with the inclusion of a coupon code and CTA button.Let’s conduct a quick analysis to figure out how useful this design is.An attractive image of snacks that gets user attention?Wouldn’t it be awesome to receive an email that just reads your mind?The kind that gives you the information you need, designed in a layout that is easily understood?Readers prefer visibility and instant info over visuals with complicated designs.On that note, let’s take a look at the email layout of Grammarly:Grammarly is a super useful writing tool that is popular worldwide.In this example, they reached out to the users with weekly updates.The purpose of this mail was to showcase the different areas the user had worked on.The mail was structured into 4 boxes which enables the user to have a quick glance.It also included an analysis on user’s productivity and accuracy in a week.In no time, user can read this mail, grab the relevant information and take insights from it.Do you remember those emails that instantly connected with you?The audience will now pay attention to your content and your messages because of the credibility you put forth.Using a person’s name or personalized information can do a ton of good for an email.It is a reaffirmation to the reader that email marketers go to great lengths for communication.Let’s check out an email layout mostly used by ecommerce brands.Here, the customer preferences based on onsite history was recorded and later used to send a personalized message.Most of the companies blasts email to everyone, with no segmentation.Segmentation, however, will help users connect with the brand.Messages are now tailor-made keeping in mind the different target groups a business caters to.Readers will grow to respect these brands for the amount of homework they do.For example, to gain their viewers who are no longer subscribed, Netflix emails their former viewers about the new season of their favorite show.They knew segmentation was the key to rekindle their relationship with their unsubscribed viewers.In this case, Netflix focused on the viewers of its hit series, Stranger things.To put it simply, segmentation is all about using customer data and buyer behavior to create profiles of users that can be later used for email marketing.Here, the idea is to make your email desirable by creating a hook that addresses the discomfort and frustration of a customer.By tweaking email content with solutions to pain points.A content becomes desirable when it instantly appeals to the eye.I’m not forced to read their content but I want to.With just a “before and after” depiction of how your files can be stored,Dropbox communicates its USP with a minimally designed email.In this mail, content is crafted well and placed with a clear CTA.Minimal design helps the reader see that clearly and faster.An email has to provide a strong solution by touching all their pain points.In a brilliant bid to capture the existing audience for an upgrade, Apple launched an email marketing campaign showcasing the features of iPhone XR.Under this campaign, an iPhone user can now exchange his device for the new and improved iPhone XR.With this email, features like larger display, durable glass, battery life, water resistance, faster processor, 4K video, Face ID were brought to the attention of the iPhone users.These were the pain points that the latest iPhone XR can solve.In doing so, they created a strong desire for the readers to purchase the product.How about, simple changes in your email design, that removes the barriers to readers with disabilities?With an accessible email design, anyone can understand the message regardless of the device they use or the disability they have.To be accessible, an email should optimize elements like reading order, text sizes, contrast between text and background colors.In general, readers go from left to right before going to the next line.A reader can scroll through the many topics and go to the one they would like to visit, directly from the email.This reduces the need to go to the website and browse through the topics.In a study by Litmus, mobile opens accounted for all 46% of email opens.This is why an email should be responsive because you don’t want to miss out on people using different devices.Let’s have a look at the example of Fitbit for your better understanding.You can see both the desktop and mobile versions of an email from Fitbit.Their email follows a responsive design in both cases.In this email, all the latest features about Fitbit are shown, CTA is placed well and the reader can access the entire information in a single scroll.Under the topic of UX principles, you have now learned:However, the mere knowledge of UX design principles is not enough to create emails with good user experience.There are design templates to help you create emails as per the best practices you’ve read above.This brings us to the foundation of the design system.For example, in research by Litmus, they found out that design and coding are the two main time-consuming tasks while creating an email.You are not anymore dependant on the designers or developers who’re always ‘busy with important work’.This is why the design system is very relevant in today’s world.On that note let’s dive into the workings of a design system.Is there a format that we can follow that will guarantee good ROI?Be it ecommerce giants, automobile brands or start-ups, managing email marketing can be a handful due to the growing scale of business.And guess what, even these giants require a design system to keep producing good user experiences.By definition, it is a collection of reusable components, guided by standards that can be assembled together to build any number of applications/emails.In this guide you’ll learn about the different components of a design system:Let me assure you that by implementing a design system, you are on the way to make your This is what Ted Goas, a senior product designer at Stack Overflow, one of the largest, most trusted online community of developers had to say about design system.The psychology of colors plays a key role in the visual experience of an email.Colors can increase conversions – they can boost sign up rates and inspire subscriptions.Let us explore the many color schemes that are doing the rounds.This color scheme denotes the usage of only black and white.Using white text over a black background or vice versa is the fundamental principle behind using the achromatic color scheme.Samsung here blended their product image smartly with an anamorphic layout, making it look more artistic.However, most of the real estate in this example email is in black and white.As the name suggests, this color scheme mainly sticks to one hue and several variations of it.The idea is to give the email a polished appearance.H&M has designed an impressive email under the concept of the monochromatic color scheme and monochromatic color scheme.Like the brand itself, the email design looks sleek and clean.Extra marks to them for choosing blue that denotes trust, confidence and cool emotions, which is exactly what you get when you own an H&M product.Easiest to find in the color wheel, colors in this colors scheme are next to each other.The closest example would be a common sight in nature, occurring in plants.Since they are similar, they do not contrast each other creating a harmonious experience.The principle of analogous color scheme explains that we should choose one color to dominate and a second color to support the dominant color.Here, Code School has gone with blue as their dominant color and green as the secondary color for CTA.The colors don’t look contrasting and yet looks attention-seeking.In this color scheme, colors opposite to each other in the color wheel are chosen.This, in turn, gives a contrasting and powerful appearance to the email.As part of their digital rebranding project, Virgin America did its best to gain the attention of its audience by adopting complementary colors in its message.Let’s explore some of the color tips that will enhance your email performance.As per this rule, an effective email design uses its colors in the following ratio:The 60-30-10 rule has brought forward an appealing email layout from National Geographic.It is important to note that, the general idea is to make an email readable, so always stick to three colors or below.Choosing colors can be tricky, if you are losing time and effort on selecting the right palette.One easy way to go about this, is to use the company’s corporate colors so that the email can also stay in line with the brand identity.Here is an example of ‘sticking with the brand color.’Flock is spot on with the concept of using the brand colors in their emails.Safe to say, the reader here, actually gets an extension of the website or the app through the mail.The text and the color filled within should be contrasting.Here are the types of colors that fit well for the CTA button.The debate of CTA colors has long been an industry favorite and Hubspot decided to do something about it.They designed two posts that had different CTA colors.This was done to analyze which color performed well, and to find out if there is a need for any debate.the Red CTA button outperformed the green one by 21%.Clearly, the use of red traffic signals hasn’t stopped people.For example, using the Pantone color of the year 2019, Living Coral, in one of your designs can give your email design that coloring edge you have always missed.If you are finding difficulty in choosing a color palette for your email design and if you don’t want to use the corporate colors,These lessons and tools that you have learned here will surely help you while creating a design system.Your emails are an extension of your brand and the need to integrate brand guidelines take roots here.This practice will improve the trust and credibility of your organization,They are the brand book, guide or rules that clearly define how your brand works.It includes basic information like brand vision, history, mission, brand personality, color palette, design layout, copywriting style and more.Focusing on brand guidelines can also help in effective marketing activities.These guidelines aid the creation of responsive images, consistent design elements, similar fonts, logo sizes and the placement of CTAs.Under this topic, you will learn how to integrate a brand’s tone into an email’s message.It is the personality and emotion infused into the communication of a company.The words, images and the type of content that is published, determine a brand’s tone.For starters, figuring out the brand archetypes can determine the personality of a brand.Archetypes are the genre you assign to a brand, based on its characteristics, identity and overall value, making a brand easier to identify.Archetypes are the genre you assign to a brand, based on its characteristics, identity and overall value, making a brand easier to identify.The words you put in your message determines a brand’s overall character.These words should be an exact match to the brand’s personality.The choice of words and usage of sentences are similar in both the email.Casper’s email portrays a personable and friendly tone to it.If you take a look at Casper’s website, you will see that this is the same brand tone they go for.Staying true to the brand’s original colors will boost customer loyalty.Here, Casper goes with the brand colors, making it easily relatable to the customer.Designing a standard layout makes the task of designing an email much easier.If your email layout is designed and structured well, you can get the reader to move naturally towards your CTA (Call-to-Action) button.Here is an example of Campaign Monitor’s old and new email.Next comes the new email that did wonders for the Campaign Monitor.An email should come together and revolve around the image, product name and its call-to-action.The user is already in sync with the reading order in your email.Changing the layout frequently might confuse your regular readers and they might even stop reading your emails altogether!Button styles that are well within the brand guidelines are a must.Bulletproof buttons allow building buttons with codes instead of images making the job easier.Most email clients don’t display images by default.So if you use button image as your CTA, chances are they won’t see it at all.You can eliminate this problem by using HTML buttons.Creating button styles using HTML and CSS instead of using static images is the best way to bypass the design filters on email clients.A user always reads in an organized pattern from left to right.Nielsen Norman Group (leaders in user experience based research) in their research has revealed that most of the users follow an ‘F-shaped’ pattern.They read the headline, and then they scroll down, skimming through the content.On their way down, if they find anything interesting, they will read the subheading first, and then the intro part.Here is an example of the ‘F-shaped reading pattern’ on the website of prominent TV Channel – History Channel.This is how an ideal email layout should look like Placing CTA on the left side of the text will require the user to go back and forth in a layout, making the email design ineffective.Also placing only one CTA will help an email to increase its click-through-rates.Choosing the right font has always been a question in demand.A funky brand will look for a creative font while a traditional font would suit a serious brand.All of this creates a framework for a brand’s email design.Based on an article published in Bloomberg, it was reported that popular fonts like Because some of the letters – like p, b, q, d – are too uniform, making them difficult to distinguish from each other.So what are the recommended alternatives for Arial or Helvetica in email?Having letters with consistent spacing is most important for quick reading.A serif font will also make it easier to distinguish between letters.Choosing the right text size will also do you a world of good.Always set the body text size within the 14-16px range.14px text is appropriate for longer emails and 16px for short ones.Headers establish structure and make your messages easier to scan and quicker to comprehend.There are many ideas to easily customize a header that improves an email’s readability:The practice of including headers twice the size of body font will improve readability.The key here is to not choose two fonts with a lot of “personality” or unique characteristics that could conflict with each other.For a brand choosing a serif font for the body text, a sans serif font for the header provides visual contrast.The most popular principle for creating typeface combinations is to pair a sans serif header typeface with a serif body typeface.Hence, we must remind ourselves to be empathetic about a user’s experience and think like a user.Stay true to the 3Ts of Relevancy and a positive email marketing journey is on the cards!Think of modules as the building blocks of the email world.All these components could be assembled in different combinations to the needs of different users.Here are some examples of modules for you to be updated with.It could be a message that solves the reader’s problem, or a brand’s logo and its taglines.Header module consists of all the elements that comes to the reader’s mind before anything else.Think of those action-oriented words that come attached to the emails.For example, emails that contain call-to-action like, “offers”, “book meetings”, “read more”, “get directions” and “rate us now” come under action module.Those emails that serve as an aid to the user by offering information.The call-to-action here is different from the other modules.For example, “faq”, “live support details”, “what to do next”, “working hours” and “resources” are some of the CTA’s that are commonly used in an email that follows information module.To sum up, these modules go through a set of visual patterns, color palettes, typography and content.Advertising genius, David Ogilvy’s wisdom knows no bounds.This is the main reason why catchy headlines are an important factor in an email design system.Solution-driven sub-headlines can get the attention of the user.

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