Lúcia de Jesus Rosa dos Santos (meglio nota come Suor Lúcia di Fátima o Suor Maria Lucia di Gesù e del Cuore Immacolato) O.C.D (Aljustrel, 28 marzo 1907 – Coimbra, 13 febbraio 2005) è stata una monaca cristiana portoghese, nota per essere stata una dei tre "pastorelli" che … Virtually any topic for the virtual learner.

Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article.The first of six visions came to Lucia on May 13, 1917, while she was tending sheep with her two cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto. Mit dem Habit empfing sie den Namen Maria Dolores (Maria der Schmerzen). Meet extraordinary women who dared to bring gender equality and other issues to the forefront.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Am 3. Februar 2005 in Coimbra) war eine portugiesische Ordensschwester und Nonne.

Lúcia dos Santos wurde am 28.

1, S. 197f (eigene Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox.

Lucia dos Santos, in full Lucia de Jesus dos Santos, original name Lucia Abobora, also called Sister Lucia, (born March 22, 1907, Aljustrel, Portugal—died February 13, 2005, Coimbra), Portuguese shepherd girl, later a Carmelite nun, who claimed she saw visions of the Virgin Mary in 1917 at Fátima, Portugal, which subsequently became one of the most famous Marian shrines in the world.

Februar 2005 im Alter von 97 Jahren starb, sowie den beiden mit ihr verwandten selig …

Mai 1917 hüteten drei Kinder eine kleine Herde in der Nähe von Britannica Premium: Serving the evolving needs of knowledge seekers.

Lucia then announced the identity of the Lady and her wish.Lucia and her cousins, both of whom died soon after the visions, were interviewed frequently by officials of the The “secret of Fátima,” said to have been revealed in three messages from the Virgin Mary to Lucia and her cousins, remained private until the 1940s, when church officials disclosed two of the messages.

Lúcia de Jesus dos Santos (* 22.

… vollzog 1942 die Weihe der Welt an das Memórias da irmã Lucia, compilação do Padre Luis Kondor.

• Cause of Beatification of Sister Lucia – Official website

März 1907 in Aljustrel, heute Teil von Fátima in Portugal; † 13.

Oktober 1928 legte sie die zeitlichen und sechs Jahre später am gleichen Tag die ewigen Gelübde ab.

Lucie dos Santos (née le 22 mars 1907 à Fátima au Portugal et morte le 13 février 2005 à Coimbra au Portugal), est une religieuse portugaise de l' Ordre du Carmel.

Die Jungfrau Maria war der Ordensschwester Lucia dos Santos, die am 13.

Fe­bru­ar 2005 in Co­im­bra in Por­tu­gal Lúcia de Jesus (links), ihr Vet­ter Fran­cis­co und des­sen Schwes­ter Ja­c­in­ta Marto, auf­ge­nom­men von einem un­be­kann­ten Fo­to­gra­fen am 13.

Sollte hier eine Anzeige erscheinen, deren

Mai wurde im Jahr 2002 ins neue Missale Romanum aufgenommen als nicht gebotener Papst Pius XII.

Übersetzung)zusammengestellt von Abt em.

1, S. 165 - 171 (eigene

Am 13.

Fátima - Portugal, Bd. The Virgin Mary reportedly revealed herself to the children as the Lady of the Rosary and asked for a chapel to be built there for her.

Dr. Emmeram Kränkl OSB,

History at your fingertips

Immediately afterward there occurred a “solar phenomenon” that was reported by many who saw it; the Sun reputedly fell toward the Earth.

Oktober, als rund 70.000 Menschen anwesend waren, sagte ihnen die Unter dem Pseudonym Visconde de Montelo verfasste der

Am 2. Bei der letzten Erscheinung am 13. Fátima - Portugal, Bd. From overcoming oppression, to breaking rules, to reimagining the world or waging a rebellion, these women of history have a story to tell.

März 1907 geboren.

Oktober 1926 trat sie in das Institut der Dorotheerinnen in Tuy/Spanien ein. Avec ses cousins Jacinthe Marto et François Marto, elle dit avoir été témoin de l'apparition de Notre-Dame de Fátima.

Übersetzung)Memórias da irmã Lucia, compilação do Padre Luis Kondor.

In accordance with the Virgin’s promise, another vision came on the 13th of each month until October, except for Reports of the visions excited interest, and by October 13 the observers at Fátima reached an estimated 70,000.

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