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A treat for the ones looking for affordable furnishings, this bed is a pure value for money. It’s a commitment we offer our customers and we call it the PAN PROMISE. Pan Emirates KITTS COFFEE TABLE 850.00 AED 1,395.00 AED. The generously padded headboard's plush upholstery is outlined with an elegant silver finish. Discover the finest Modern and Classic furniture and furnishings for your Homes & Offices. A pure expression of opulence, it is all you need to create the royal suite of your dreams. Thanks to its strong metal and wooden construction, this piece promises supreme comfort and durability for years of use. Enhance the glamorous appeal of your bedroom with our OSTERREICH 4 PC BEDROOM SET. This design offers comfort, functionality and convenience in your well-appointed bedroom. 39% Discount. 00. The bed, nightstands and the dresser are embellished with stones to infuse a starry vibe to your interiors. This fun bed is a delight for kids. A perfect blend of modern and contemporary bedroom set looks magnificent in gold. Free Delivery on orders above AED250 Brimming with glam and comfort, our GREENZAR BED 200X205 CM will be a luxurious addition to your bedroom. It can often get boring and depress you heavily…It is already the month of March, a month that is dedicated to all the women.

Made from strong walnut finish wood, they stand on sturdy block legs for optimal support.   Subscribe to our newsletter to receive news & special offers Disclaimer: Pricena.com only acts as online price comparison website, all product names, trademarks, service marks, logos, brands, industrial models and designs featured or referred to within this site are the sole property of their respective owners and/or right holders and are only provided for the purpose of this site. The CASABLANCA BED ensures you that style and quality in one is completely possible. The LED lights on both sides of the headboard and dresser mirror, add to the elegantly unique headboard design.

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