Eros is singular (pluralized as Erotes) also known as Cupid in Roman mythology are group of angel-like male spirits or deities of loveness. Afrodita le prometió al príncipe troyano Paris el amor de Helena, luego de que este votara a su favor en un concurso de belleza en que la diosa se enfrentó con Hera y Atenea. It is quite in accordance with the notion of the cosmogonic Eros, that he is described as a son of Cronus and Gaea, of Eileithyia, or as a god who had no parentage, and came into existence by himself.5, The Eros of later poets, on the other hand, who gave rise to that notion of the god which is most familiar to us, is one of the youngest of all the gods.6 The parentage of the second Eros is very differently described, for he is called a son of Aphrodite (either Aphrodite Urania or Aphrodite Pandemos), or Polymnia, or a son of Porus and Penia, who was begotten on Aphrodite's birthday.7 According to other genealogies, again, Eros was a son of Hermes by Artemis or Aphrodite, or of Ares by Aphrodite,8 or of Zephyrus and Iris,9 or, lastly, a son of Zeus by his own daughter Aphrodite, so that Zeus was at once his father and grandfather.10, Eros in this stage is always conceived and was always represented as a handsome youth, and it is not till about after the time of Alexander the Great that Eros is represented by the epigrammatists and the erotic poets as a wanton boy, of whom a thousand tricks and cruel sports are related, and from whom neither gods nor men were safe. Planeta. According to Hesiod's Theogony (c. 700 BC), one of the most ancient of all Greek sources, Eros (the god of love) was the fourth god to come into existence, coming after Chaos, Gaia (the Earth), and Tartarus (the abyss).. Homer does not mention Eros. Eros ha sido personificado en numerosas obras de arte a lo largo de la historia. Hermaphroditus is only hermaphrodite one. Eros- The God of Love & The Story of Eros & Psyche - (Greek Mythology Explained), Otro mito cuenta que Afrodita estaba preocupada porque el tiempo pasaba y su hijo no crecía, permaneciendo siempre como un niño rebelde y travieso. Among the places distinguished for their worship of Eros, Thespiae in Boeotia stands foremost: there his worship was very ancient, and the old representation of the god was a rude stone,22 to which in later times, however, the most exquisite works of art were added.23 At Thespiae a quinquennial festival, the Erotidia or Erotia, were celebrated in honor of the god.24 Besides Sparta, Samos, and Parion on the Hellespont, he was also worshiped at Athens, where he had an altar at the entrance of the Academy.25 At Megara his statue, together with those of Himeros and Pothos, stood in the temple of Aphrodite.26. In some myths, he was the son of the deities Aphrodite and Ares, but according to Plato's Symposium, he was conceived by Poros (Plenty) and Penia (Poverty) at Aphrodite's birthday. En muchas piezas, principalmente entre los siglos XVIII y XIX, aparece sujetando un espejo para que su madre Afrodita pueda contemplarse en él. Además de inspirar la pasión en los demás, este dios fue víctima de sus propias flechas y se enamoró de la mortal Psique, considerada la mujer más bella del mundo. En venganza, este le disparó una de sus flechas para que se enamorara de una ninfa llamada Dafne. Entonces decidió ir a consultar al oráculo de Temis en busca de una respuesta. The god of love. Eros presumably possesses the standard powers of a god, though, as a Primordial deity born out of Chaos, Eros is very powerful. Among the things sacred to Eros, and which frequently appear with him in works of art, we may mention the rose, wild beasts which are tamed by him, the hare, the cock, and the ram. Diccionario de Mitos. In Apuleius' The Golden Ass, Psyche bears Eros a daughter, Voluptas, whose name means "pleasure" or sex. Psique era la hija de un rey que deslumbraba a los hombres por su belleza. Índice1 Origen e historia de Eros1.1 Otros posibles orígenes2 Características y atributos3 Principales mitos sobre Eros3.1 Mito de Eros y Psique3.2 Mito de Dafne y Apolo3.3 Mito del amor y la pasión3.4 Mito de Helena de Troya4 Eros en el arte4.1 Obras más conocidas5 Referencias. According to tradition which was made by Eratosthenes, Eros was principally the patron of male love, while Aphrodite ruled the love between men and women. En la Grecia más antigua su adoración era poco común, pero luego se volvió más popular, especialmente en Tespia y Atenas, siendo consagrado en su honor y el de Afrodita el cuarto día de cada mes. En otras, se representa su historia de amor con Psique. In fact, his arrows made no effect on these three goddesses. El mito más representativo es que Eros es hijo de Afrodita, la diosa de la belleza y la sexualidad, y Ares, el dios de la guerra. Though Eros was the God of love and sexual desire and could make anyone fall in love, he notably could not use his tricks on the three virgin goddesses viz., Artemis, Athena, and Hestia. Influenciada por sus hermanas envidiosas, un día Psique decidió esperar a que el dios se durmiera y con una lámpara iluminó su rostro para ver quién era. In this account we already perceive a combination of the most ancient with later notions. Respecting the connection between Eros and Psyche, see Psyche. Barcelona, España. En la mayoría está representado como un niño o un adolescente alado, acompañado de sus inseparables arco y flechas con las que despierta la pasión en los mortales. Con sus flechas se ocupa de despertar la pasión entre los mortales y también de impulsar la creatividad en la naturaleza. Amokinesis: As the God of Love and desire, Eros has absolute control and divine authority over love, lust, and desire, far superior to that of Aphrodite's. Disponible en:, Eros, Greek Mythology.

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