You can test out of the Let's look a little more closely at some specific city-states. To learn more, visit our Earning Credit Page. Are Parent-Taught Pandemic Pods a Good Low-Cost Education Alternative? credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. 4 Reading Comprehension Activities Your Students Will Enjoy, Process Priorities in Linux: Definition & Modification, What Is a Cubic Centimeter? In 1498, when they happened upon the Swahili coast, the Portuguese were trying to establish a direct sea route to the riches of India and China. The Swahili city-states were largely controlled by the elite merchants, although official power was in the hands of a sultan. Muslim merchants controlled the world's most extensive inland and maritime trade routes, and the Swahili city-states had attracted a large number of Persian merchants looking to expand. Also, according to Islamic precepts, slaves had some basic rights and could be incorporated into the households that they served. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. The rebels created their own state with fortresses, a navy, tax collection, and their own coinage. Perhaps most notable was the city-state, a government based around, you guessed it, a major urban center. first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. The connection between these cities helped mix Arabic and Bantu ideas and words into a shared identity and language called Swahili. The above version is just one account of Kilwa Kisiwani’s origins; nevertheless, it conveys some very important elements of Swahili identity. Theoretically, a freeborn Muslim could not be enslaved. The Swahili City States provided and connected african raw material to the rest of the Indian Ocean world--Arabia, India, Persia, China and vice-versa. Archaeology shows that emerging Swahili cities had mosques and Muslim burial grounds starting in the eighth century CE. We tend to thinks of states as smaller units within a country, but in politics this term actually refers to any area under the administration of a single government. People in villages along the coast could also identify as Swahili. In response, Sultan Ali used magic from the Qur’an to stop Mrimba’s plot. Have questions or comments? Many of the cities became “stone towns” with wealthy Swahili families constructing multi-level homes out of the coarse coral. Then, around 1000 CE, something started to change. At that time, residents of the Swahili city-states played a pivotal role as middlemen, selling gold, timber, ivory, resins, coconut oil, and slaves from the interior regions of Africa to traders arriving from throughout the Indian Ocean World. They were fairly treated. Visit the Harcourt Social Studies - World History: Online Textbook Help page to learn more. {{courseNav.course.mDynamicIntFields.lessonCount}} lessons Finally, the fact that they had to do business together on a daily basis helped them standardize a single, consistent language that merged Bantu and Arabic into something all trading cities along the coast could use. Although little is known about ancient Swahili government, it is believed that men and women governed the city states. Like other Swahili, the ruling classes distinguished themselves from non-Muslims of the interior. The Swahili people His assistants consisted of mayors, civil servants, counselors, and minsters, who helped the king with his duties, but overall, the king was always in charge. - Definition & Conversion, Neutralizing Solutions with Sodium Hydroxide, Morality, Mystery & Miracle Plays in Medieval Theatre, Comparing Strong, Weak & Balanced Matrix Organizations, Haredi Judaism: History, Practices & Beliefs, How Religious Conditions Affect Science & Technological Advances, Quiz & Worksheet - Act 1 Summary of The Crucible, Quiz & Worksheet - Slaughterhouse Five Synopsis, Flashcards - Real Estate Marketing Basics, Flashcards - Promotional Marketing in Real Estate, Teaching ESL Students | Resources for ESL Teachers. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. Americans needed a lot of slaves to work in their big fields. Common Core Math Standards - What is Common Core Math? The king was the ruler and held the highest power in the Ghana Empire. Get access risk-free for 30 days, Africa's east coast was long inhabited by Bantu-speaking groups, who saw themselves as different people. For fourteen years, the Zanj and their supporters, altogether an estimated 15,000 people, raided towns, seized weapons and food, and freed slaves. Are Microschools and Pandemic Pods Safer School Alternatives During the Coronavirus Pandemic? Nation-states are what we call countries, which have strict borders. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. What is a state? In this oral tradition, the union of Mrimba’s daughter and Sultan Ali forged a new Muslim family, with Persian and African ancestry, that ruled Kilwa Kisiwani and the mainland coast. What is a state? 15 John Middleton, The World of the Swahili: An African Mercantile Civilization, (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994): 31-32.
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