I felt for Don E, too, but Don E was finding ways to make the best of his potential torture and murder being broadcast across the interwebs. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. A solid episode that furthers many of the plots of the season while providing some entertainment. Why would they leave us on a cliffhanger when things just got interesting?! Over the past couple of weeks attention has been drawn to Rachel (Ella Cannon), a Zombie Truther who makes eyes at Ravi. The show frames Shawna’s social media use as weird and suggests that she’s somehow trying to exploit Major, even though it’s not clear what she could gain here other than some notoriety (and then only if she was publicizing Major’s history). I don't know what to make of her. It was worth it though, not only for that joke about Peyton and kicking ass but for that awesome scene of him and Liv in the car. Someone is trying to clean up this mess and making a bigger mess in the process. The Zombie Truther plot has potential to become far more complex now that Harley Johns is a Zombie. Liv and Justin finally having sexytimes? There’s a romantic edge to the interactions between Ravi and Rachel but she suffers from the same problem Shawna does as in her purpose in the show remains unclear. Liv also started having wild sex dreams of Ravi. Zombies are now a huge news story on the front page of a publication and the image associated is Liv in Full on Zombie Mode. The subsequent reveal that T-Shirts are being sold featuring those images and the “Killer Abs” slogan removes a lot of the complexity. Shawna befriended Major Lilywhite after he was exposed as the Chaos Killer, hoping to put him in a more positive light. Don't forget you can watch iZombie online here at TV Fanatic. Former district attorney Floyd Baracus, wins the mayor-elect position for mayor of Seattle, making him a likely candidate for first zombie mayor of Seattle. The highlight of these early scenes, however, isn’t the action. Unfortunately, none of this is discovered before Baracus wins the mayoral election. Let it never be said that Ravi Chakrabarti isn't a damn good friend and decent human being. Put the purest, sweetest character in peril and watch folks lose their minds. The episode also delivers on the action front which is really good to see. How many do you know? Ravi is hurt (only a little, fortunately) and Rachel flees into the night about the time that a group of Fillmore Graves soldiers shows up. Move over Barnum and Bailey. Really, though, the stuff Shawna posted is pretty run-of-the-mill honeymoon phase relationship pictures, and while she wasn’t explicit with Major about what she was doing, she also wasn’t hiding it; Liv was able to literally just google Shawna to find her totally public Tumblr. Was that Weckler twist surprising? It’s a taut, exciting action sequence, overall, and a great way to open the episode, fully delivering on the promise of last week’s cliffhanger. So, either you discovered a revolutionary form of prophylaxis, or you're human. Barracus has to the murdered Dominatrix. I haven’t mentioned her before as her input hasn’t been all that significant but I like what was done with her in this episode. We must hope so, anyway. The show does still have a problem with Major. She eventually complies and leads Peyton to the box with the SD card. One, I loved Peyton being in the fold again, even if I was slightly irritated that Peyton only cares about zombie stuff when she can use it to her advantage (I'm hard on Peyton, I know). 1. She could have presented the complex side of the Truthers and presented the point of view of someone who is scared by the prospect of Zombies living among them, she could have been a simple yet bland love interest for Ravi or she could have been undercover for Filmore Graves to assess the threat the Truthers represent. I thought you were food.Liv: Nope, not food, I'm Liv. His relationship with Shawna is missing the complexity it could have had by confirming that she is trying to exploit him rather than having his best interests at heart. 3 Appearances of Shawna (iZombie TV Series), 1 Images featuring Shawna (iZombie TV Series), Quotations by or about Shawna (iZombie TV Series), Character Gallery: Shawna (iZombie TV Series), https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Shawna_(iZombie_TV_Series)?oldid=2725395. Kidding. Meanwhile, Major (Robert Buckley) continues to enjoy the company of his new “friend,” Shawna (Sarah Jurgens). She summons his daughter Tatum, to pry for the SD card from the hidden camera from the dominatrix sessions. Major being disconnected from the rest of the cast is an issue as it’s difficult to know where he fits in the show at this point.

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