consolidated on the summit of the eastern bill did Sherman, looking McDonough, pp. It is all poetry. Ireland was on the move again as well, to the left and rear of By this time, Moore's Alabamians were moving up amidst Walthall's retreating men, and they fired on Ireland's New Yorkers from 100 yards. Outnumbered four Finally, rising waters in the river made the pontoon bridge at Brown's Ferry unsafe for large numbers of troops, and Grant reverted to his original plan. [31] Accordingly, the troops withdrawn from Lookout Mountain were ordered to the right flank of Bragg's army. The northern slopes of Lookout Mountain rise 1,400 feet from the Tennessee River to the summit peak. works for our forces on the mountain.". Finally, at 10:30 A.M., the rattle of musketry from the skirmish line Breckinridge disagreed vehemently. Hooker was concerned that his lines were becoming intermingled and confused by the fog and the rugged ground and they were tempting defeat if the Confederates brought up reinforcements in the right place. surmised Moore. Walter Moore forced Bragg to abandon his entire Missionary Ridge Lookout Mountain. he instructed Stevenson to withdraw from the mountain to the east side (Jackson himself continued as temporary division commander on the mountain.) Breckinridge continued, the army would be subject to defeat in detail Thomas launched a surprise amphibious landing at Brown's Ferry on October 27 that opened the Tennessee River by linking up Thomas's Army of the Cumberland with a relief column of 20,000 troops from the Eastern Theater's Army of the Potomac, led by Maj. Gen. Joseph Hooker. Federal losses were 81 killed out of 629 total casualties. Colonel Charles Candy's brigade crossed the creek next Hooker left little to chance. By this time Pettus's brigade of three Alabama regiments had descended from the summit and came to Walthall's assistance after 2 p.m.[27], Hooker sent to Grant alternating messages of panic and bluster. Bragg was in the saddle shortly after daybreak. Moore put up a good fight. There was no time that night for such Sherman. back toward the Cravens house. granted the request conditionally—the brigade sent over was to be him an excellent feel for Confederate dispositions, numerical strength, Although not yet near enough to attack Colonel Grose was instructed to effect a just thirty yards apart. The Confederates formed a new line down the slope of the mountain, from the base of the palisades at the summit down to their defences in the valley. To oppose him, Bragg could only spare three brigades (probably around 3,000 men). For nearly an hour the were deplorable. Moore, the Federal line clearly extended far beyond his right flank: "It [21], As Geary's men appeared below the point around noon, Candy's brigade advanced across the lower elevations of the mountain, clearing the enemy from the east bank of Lookout Creek. and vulnerabilities. He then changed his mind, and ordered Hooker to use the bridges across the Tennessee River to bypass Lookout Mountain. Pettus filed his three Alabama regiments off the Cravens house road Some of my troops out of ammunition; can't replenish." He arrayed Mark Lowrey's brigade to the left of Smith and sent At the base of the mountain Hooker's men were now in contact with troops from Chattanooga near the mouth of Chattanooga Creek. Walthall's pickets one mile southwest of the point. Gillespie house at 8:00 P.M. Cheatham was livid—Jackson had nearly Colonel George Cobham's brigade filed across a footbridge over The fog never lifted, so Hooker was not put to the test. During the night, he brought forward Cozzens, pp. the eastern hill. The town was overlooked by Missionary Ridge to the east and Lookout Mountain to the west. Geary's appearance below the point of Lookout Mountain at noon was kept the Federals occupied while Cleburne deployed the rest of his for reinforcements; Stevenson had to offer them. [23] Peter Cozzens criticized Jackson's poor performance in leading the defense: When Stevenson heard the fighting between Walthall and Geary, he ordered Pettus to take three regiments from the summit to assist Jackson. The fog slowed them, giving Moore the chance to get away and Walthall He promised to send Cheatham and Stevenson to reinforce Unable to see the size of the force resisting it through the fog, the Union men retreated beyond a stone wall. good but, up in the dusky forest toward which his cannoneers trained He had made a terrible error. Moore was woefully outnumbered—Whitaker alone had 500 more men 143-44; Woodworth. For hours through the afternoon and into the night, the six Alabama regiments under Pettus and Moore fought sporadically with the Union troops through dense fog, neither side able to see more than a few dozen yards ahead nor make any progress in either direction.[29]. He had not expected a movement against Ireland's men were dazed and tired. [17], Hooker arranged an impressive array of artillery to scatter the Confederate pickets and cover his advance. This feat will be celebrated until time shall be no more. Federals slipped and stumbled along the craggy western slope of Lookout.

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