Bilanci e resoconti intermedi. LA TUA VACANZA ? Alpitour Group: a world of specializations and services to perfectly organize every aspect of the journey, whether it is pure relaxation or for work. Capitale sociale e dividendi. Warrant TIP … Presentazioni. Copyright © 2019 Alpitour S.p.A.Sede legale: Via Lugaro, 15 - 10126 Torino - Italia - Tel. Alpitour World is an Italian travel group and high-ranking in the European Travel Industry. Alpitour nasce nel 1947 come piccola agenzia di viaggi specializzata in brevi trasferimenti a bordo di treni e bus in occasione di eventi speciali. The Investor Relations website contains information about Peloton Interactive, Inc.'s business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial analysts. Sogni ancora Investor Relations. Tamburi Investment Partners S.p.A. is included in the list of companies section B for which a new threshold for communication have been set at 3%, reduced from the previous 5%. Alpitour World is an Italian travel group and high-ranking in the European Travel Industry. Contact us. Investor Relations - IR: Investor relations (IR) is a department, present in most medium-to-large public companies , that provides investors with an accurate account of … I prezzi potrebbero Name of the organization that made the acquisition, Total number of current team members an organization has on Crunchbase, Total number of investment firms and individual investors, Descriptive keyword for an Organization (e.g. Filing consob. Azionariato. In the Alpitour Group, many holiday styles coexist. ALPITOUR are o bogată experiență în domeniul lucrărilor de alpinism utilitar și de constructii, având o arie extinsă a lucrărilor. Comunicati. Contattaci allo 011 19682424, dal lunedì al venerdì dalle 9 alle 19.30 oppure il sabato dalle 9 alle 19, Per assistenza durante la vacanza chiama il numero AMICO allo 011 19682471, tutti i giorni 24 ore su 24, Tutte le chiamate hanno il costo di una chiamata nazionale. Avvisi finanziari. From low budget proposals for young people and families, to informal ones with the villages and destinations most loved by Italian tourists, to elitist and exotic suggestions for the admirers of the pleasure of traveling. Documenti finanziari. (+39) 011.0171111 - C.P. Comunicati stampa Comunicati stampa azioni proprie. le offerte per la tua vacanza, Info Precontrattuali e Condizioni Generali. In the Alpitour Group, many holiday styles coexist. The company also wished to simplify channel maintenance, speed up response times and continue to expand its range of products and services. CONSOB Resolution n. 21434 changed of July 8, 2020, for a three months period from the entry into force, some threshold relevant for the communication obligation pursuant to article 120, paragraph 2 of TUF. Aggiorna la pagina e visualizza Per maggiori informazioni clicca qui. Alpitour Spa > 100%. Altisource Investor Relations is committed to providing helpful and timely information to our shareholders and encourage you to utilize this site for more detailed investor relations information. Alpitour World is an Italian travel group and high-ranking in the European Travel Industry. Capitale Sociale sottoscritto e versato € 41.262.014 - P. IVA 02486000041. Overview. Active, Closed, Last funding round type (e.g. View all. Find timely information for shareholders here or contact us directly. Continuando a navigare ne accetti l’utilizzo da parte di Alpitour SpA. 388 - 10121 Torino. Calendario finanziario. Via pontaccio 10, 20121 Milan (Mi), Italy, r.i. milan, fiscal code and vat number 10869270156, share capital Euro 95,877,236.52, Organizational, Management and Control Model Legislative Decree 231/2001, Organizational code of the audit and risks related parties committee, Communication scheme of transactions on issuers’ securities (annex 3F). Utilizziamo cookie tecnici, analitici e di marketing per una maggiore personalizzazione di quello che vedi, compresi gli annunci di terze parti autorizzate. Usiamo i cookie per offrirti la migliore esperienza di navigazione possibile sul nostro sito. Organizația dispune de o infrastructură adecvată: sediu, echipamente de producție moderne, scule și dispozitive de mecanizare, birotică, echipamente de calcul, telecomunicații. SaaS, Android, Cloud Computing, Medical Device), Where the organization is headquartered (e.g. Seed, Series A, Private Equity), Whether an Organization is for profit or non-profit, Auto-generated name of transaction (e.g. PRESIDENT Lupo Rattazzi CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Carlo Stradiotti LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE HEADQUARTER Via della Chiesa, 68 - 21019 Somma Lombardo (VA) VAT NUMBER 08254440012 FISCAL CODE 08254440012 FLEET. Codice fiscale e Numero di iscrizione al RI: 02933920015 - REA TO 908257. WhatsApp acquired by Facebook),, European Union (EU) Travel Acquired Companies, Acquired European Union (EU) Companies (Top 10K). Alpitour's main objective was to improve its website so customers can enjoy an even more comprehensive and satisfying experience. San Francisco Bay Area, Silicon Valley), Operating Status of Organization e.g. non essere più validi. Per prenotazioni Contattaci allo 011 19690202 Da LUNEDI' a VENERDI', dalle 9:00 alle 19:00, al costo di una chiamata nazionale, Sei un'agenzia? Alpitour Group: a world of specializations and services to perfectly organize every aspect of the journey, whether it is pure relaxation or for work.
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