They were recognized when they were made to pronounce the word, “Kiningin, which the Draco Reptilians could pronounce.”Legend has it that Russian scientists found some Draco Reptilian bodies in hibernation and these beings killed scientists with their faces hidden, and infiltrated the Soviet government.

The draco may have been introduced to the Roman cavalry by Sarmatian units in the 2nd century. the problem is that i dont know what i want to do because i feel like most careers all have to do with things like busines marketing. The Draco Reptilian empire arose from the alpha empire of the Dragon, made up of several reptilian species, including the winged DRACOs, the large reptilians that lead several groups of gray-reptilians reproduced by poly-embryonation, and hatching from eggs and by cloning. Moreover, the photos of this alleged comet show that it has two cores and that it has already performed 4 course alterations, including a turn at 70 0.

In Galactic Lore, the Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly. The origin of the standard is unknown and still a matter of dispute among scholars.

Grab your freedom Divine Warriors of Freedom, to Submit to Tyranny only means destruction, to submit to anyone or anything means bondage, believe in yourselves, believe in Liberty always and above all do not trust Tyrannical Governents.Feel the Power you hold inside of you always , live forever. But Draco Reptilians hate to fight on their own. In the Begining was Light and it was beautiful, this is the Creator, this Immortal and Indestructible Force is Worshipped by the Good ET's and Evil alike.The Reality Humanity lives in is beyond words, truly Colossal, so I will try to open your minds.Humanity comes from different planets, they are different because of these enviroments, they did not evolve on earth, humanity was brought here as slave races.Humanity is Awsome and together with mutual understanding and leadership and partnership among the Human Races they can work together to heal Earth and Colonize other Planets, the Federation will welcome them into their Federation, but first humanity must wake up!.The Reptilian ET Groups only want to Oppress and Control , humanity needs to break free and they can once they wake up. Alignment: Unaffiliated Dacia with Draco on antoninianus of Trajan Decius, AD 251 Androgynous and extremely physical, these beings existed side by side with the etheric E.T. No need to pick up a Gun to fight for something , you need to open you mouth and speak out on tyranny.You voice will be your greatest weapon, think positive always. Androgynous and extremely physical, these beings existed side by side with the etheric E.T. Posted by sagitarius13 on September 20, 2012 at 7:39pm in Spirituality In General; View Discussions; This Awareness indicates the New World Order is part of the alien agenda, promoted by those Greys from Orion. They colonized the Earth by driving the moon, which is actually an artificial vehicle, into orbit. This underground group had taken over the ancient Atlantean anti-flood possessions.It is also said that at the end of the 1940s, the reptilian forces based in their operational center in South America, started to settle in the base of Dulce, under Mt. They were called the priests of the cult of the Black Sun. This constellation is the home of the Draconian Empire.Its reptilian inhabitants are often referred to as the Reptilians (or 'Lizzies'), the 'Reptoids' and 'Dinoids.' im running out of time i have to choose soonIf you need to feed your family then you must Work$$ to provide for your family, but you can aso Educate others on the Globalists and what they want to do with America. The Draco Reptilian empire arose from the alpha empire of the Dragon, made up of several reptilian species, including the winged DRACOs, the large reptilians that lead several groups of gray-reptilians reproduced by poly-embryonation, and hatching from eggs and by cloning. Are they Stalling or is the confusion itself POWER ?Recent: Is Planet Earth Moving Into A Higher Density/Dimension?THE ANCIENT PATAL, THE ANNUNAKI EMPIRE, THE DRACO EMPIRE & THE GALACTIC FEDERATION Other systems have been conquered or infiltrated by the Draco.But they sometimes rebel: they are Sirius, Acturus, Aldebaran, Procyon, Betelgeuse, Barnard’s star in the Centaur, the Ashtar collective, led by SIRIUS B, under the domination of the Reptilians, are people implanted and electronically manipulated by a sort of huge computer. A class of particularly malicious, dark, iguana-faced sorcerer-priests.

Humans working with the Reptoids, had invaded territories in Dreamland. From Nemesis, started the planetoids, which served as a basis for the kidnappings of the grays, for the implantations and the programs of manipulation of the brain, mutilations, hybridizations in collaboration with the Bavarian secret societies.These planetoids are the two huge spacecraft that were sighted near Earth in 1953, when they orbited the equator. The Draco Reptilians say they sent colonizers to other solar systems in the Constellations of Epsilon Bootes, Altaïr, Aquila Cappella, Zeta of the Reticle, Rigel and Beatrix of Orion.

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