Traditional interpretation assumes that the two years without crops were a sabbath year followed by a jubilee year during which no crops could be planted or harvested for each of those years, followed by a third year in which crops were planted and harvested. My challenge to all Bible-believing Christians and Jews this year! Defeat indicated divine disapproval. And that, dear reader, could explain why Sennacherib, after taking the tribute from Hezekiah, continued to attack Judah. His first objective in the westward drive was to secure Phoenicia. The email address you have provided is already registered. [footnote 1] However, the Bible states in 2 Kings, chapter 18, verse 1, that Hezekiah began his reign in the third regnal year of Hoshea of Israel (r. 731-721 BCE), which can be identified by the harmonized chronology of the Hebrew kings in my book Sacred Chronology of the Hebrew Kings [footnote 2] as occurring in 727 BCE (see diagram below showing the relationship between the reigns of Hoshea of Israel and Hezekiah of Judah). Undeniable proof from the Hebrew Scriptures (Tanakh) that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, a reign beginning in the third regnal year of Hoshea of Israel, no long co-regency with Ahaz (as proposed by Edwin Thiele, a siege of Samaria beginning in Hezekiah’s fourth regnal year, Hezekiah being given fifteen extra years of life by God, the fall of Samaria occurring in his sixth regnal year, the extra fifteen years and 3rd-year sign ending with the deliverance of Jerusalem. That is the only feasible explanation why the Assyrians didn't conquer Jerusalem. ), of many I put out the eyes. The weird thing is that they accepted tribute, left, and let Hezekiah, no toady of Assyria, live. Because it showed that the campaign into Judah hadn't been a complete fiasco. Since Assyrians were not famed for having a live-and-let-go policy for their enemies, questions emerge about what on earth happened in the Judah campaign. The account of his campaign is given in the Scriptures and a secular account is recorded on the Taylor Prism (also called Sennacherib’s Prism, circa 691 BCE) as follows: “Because Hezekiah, king of Judah, would not submit to my yoke, I came up against him, and by force of arms and by the might of my power I took 46 of his strong fenced cities; and of the smaller towns which were scattered about, I took and plundered a countless number. An Egyptian pharaoh said the god Amun overruled the winter weather that might have prevented a princess from the Hittites in Turkey from reaching Egypt. When Sennacherib came to power in 705 B.C.E., he inherited an empire in flames. Latest editions of our most popular books are available for free download in PDF format below. The sabbath-jubilee tables show that the year of Sennacherib’s invasion, 701 BCE, was a sabbath-only year (see Tables of Sabbath and Jubilee Years in our book Sacred Chronology of the Hebrew Kings). By adding a comment, I agree to this site’s Terms of use. In this case: Backed by the god Ashur, the Assyrian king overpowered rebels and subdued Judah (Israel had already become part of the Assyrian provincial system under Sargon in 720 BCE); kings who refused to bow before them were ousted, and replaced with vassal kings. Sennacherib's annals talk of "the utter dread" of the weapon wielded by their god Ashur. Note the pagan element of the winged sun and the ankh: The symbols may show that the seal was created late in the king's life and shows Assyrian influence, Ouria Tadmor / Courtesy of Dr. Eilat Mazar. We've got more newsletters we think you'll find interesting. And, consider this: Whether you believe the Bible’s claim about God giving Hezekiah fifteen extra years or not is irrelevant to our chronological discussion. 2 Chronicles 32:21). Your comment was successfully submitted and will be published in 2 Chronicles 32:2 - And when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem, Hezekiah certainly displayed faith and trust in God in the face of such an awesome enemy as the armies of Assyria! He made many other preparations for the defence of the city, and went among his people, exhorting them to trust in God, and be of good courage. If Hezekiah began his reign in the year 727 BCE and was invaded by Sennacherib in 701 BCE, how could the invasion have taken place in the fourteenth year of Hezekiah, as stated in 2 Kings, chapter 18, verse 13, and Isaiah, chapter 36, verse 1? A royal annalist would say that King B offended God and therefore was punished by allowing King A to seize his city. Theoretically, the Assyrian account should be more reliable on Sennacherib's campaign into Judah, because it is contemporary and should theoretically be more accurate; also Herodotus' and the biblical accounts incorporated diverse material from various ages and origins and are therefore less credible. The Assyrians were infamous through the ancient world for their cruelty. The ancient kings and priests mediated with the invisible higher powers on behalf of the people. The righteousness of king Hezekiah and Isaiah the prophet were instrumental in Sennacherib's downfall.

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